[[TranslatedPages]] = Draw Nodes = [[Image(source:/trunk/images/mapmode/node/autonode.png)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' '''{{{A}}}''' [[TOC(inline)]] This tool behaves differently depending on how you use it. == Standard Mode == (TODO: sort and check some old and probably imprecise instructions in this section) * If no node is previously selected and you click between (or very close to) two nodes in an existing way the new node is added on the existing way, between two existing nodes. If two ways cross, and there currently is no node in common at the junction, and you click near the intersection of the two ways, then the node will be inserted into both ways, which will then share a common point. * If a node is previously selected and you click between two nodes in an existing way the new node is added on the existing way, between two existing nodes, and a way is drawn between the previously selected node and the new node. === Create a node === When selection is empty, If you click on a blank area of the screen you add a new node independent of any existing way: [[Image(ex1-empty-selection-click-on-blank.gif,nolink)]] === Draw a segment === With empty selection, if you select one node and then click on a blank area of the screen you add a new node and create a new way (with one segment): [[Image(ex1-selected-node-draw-a-segment.gif​,nolink)]] === Draw tool can be used to select and deselect objects === * If you are currently not drawing, then you can select node with a left mouse click * If the node is an end node of a line then also the line gets selected (leaf node + way in selection); this will be explained in [#ContinuousDrawing] In demo below, left mouse click was used to select a tool, then clicked 6 times at nodes: [[Image(ex1-click-to-select-a-node-or-exit-drawing-on-leaf-node.gif​,nolink)]] To stop drawing tool, click on selected object (a node) again. This can be done so quickly and some users confuse it with double click. No, you don't need double click: [[Image(ex1-select-deselect-without-double-click.gif,nolink)]] === Double click stops drawing on leaf node === Drawing stops, if you make a double click when creating the last node. This way you don't have to click on last node, but you have to know about this special case: [[Image(ex1-double-click.gif,nolink)]] === Continuous drawing === Previous way will be continued if both following is true: 1. nothing was selected OR way in question was selected 2. draw tool applied to leaf nodes If draw tool applied to non-leaf nodes, it will create a new way instead of continuing old one: [[Image(ex1-will-continue-way-on-leaf-nodes-and-wont-at-middle.gif​)]] === Snaps to existing nodes or ways === [[Image(ex1-snapping.gif,nolink)]] * If you click near an existing node it draws a "segment" between what was previously selected and the existing node, and this allows you to re-use existing nodes to make a new way / area (so that certain nodes and "segments" can be reused in more than one way/ area). === Left click on drawn way will deselect node and stop mode === It doesn't matter if you click on nodes or create a new node in a way: [[Image(ex1-click-on-self-when-drawing-will-deselect.gif,nolink)]] == Angle snapping == You can choose the direction of next segment to make specific angle between segments (0,30,45,90, degrees etc.). To enable this mode press '''{{{A}}}''' again and see helper lines while moving mouse. To fix the direction and move mouse far from snapping line, please hold '''{{{A}}}''' key. Right click on any way segment when snapping allows to use that segment as reference (for example, to draw segment that is parallel, perpendicular or 45 degrees-aligned to the reference segment). Instead of the right click you can also hold {{{Ctrl}}} while moving mouse over desired reference segment. To choose angles, disable showing helper geometry, or disable snapping, use right-click on Angle symbol in statusbar and select corresponding item in [Help/StatusBar#anglemenu popup menu]. == Modifiers == === Alt modifier === [[Image(ex1-alt.gif,nolink)]] If you hold down the {{{Alt}}} key when using this tool it starts a new way, rather than continuing an existing way. === Shift modifier === [[Image(ex1-shift.gif,nolink)]] If you hold down the {{{Shift}}} key whilst using this tool it disables the "auto-connect" feature. So segments will not be drawn between new nodes. === Ctrl modifier === [[Image(ex1-ctrl.gif,nolink)]] If you hold down the {{{Ctrl}}} key whilst using this tool it disables the snapping to an existing way, allowing you to draw nodes close to, but not part of an existing way. === Combination of modifiers === You may optionally use one or many modifiers at once to get desired result. Here is Ctrl modifier used with Shift at once: [[Image(ex1-ctrl+shift.gif,nolink)]] == Note == There is another way to add nodes. When you zoom in to higher resolutions you will note that on a way, between a pair of nodes, there is a {{{+}}} symbol. If you drag this with the mouse it automatically becomes a new node. Using this method it is very easy to modify an existing way. == See also == * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/addnode.png)]][wiki:/Help/Action/AddNode Add node ...] ---- Back to [wiki:/Help/EditToolbar Edit Toolbar][[BR]] Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]