
Version 23 (modified by Klumbumbus, 7 years ago) ( diff )


File > Download parent ways and relations

source:trunk/images/download.png Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+D

A node can be part of a way. The way is then called a parent way of the node. A relation refers to nodes, ways, and other relations and from the point of view of these child objects the relation is called a parent relation.

This action downloads parent ways and parent relations for the currently selected objects. New objects don't have parent objects which could be downloaded from the server. They are therefore skipped if they are part of the current selection.

Downloading the parent ways or relations of an object

  1. Select the object
  2. Click on File -> source:trunk/images/download.png Download parent ways and relations
  3. The parent ways and relations are downloaded in the current data layer

Downloading the parent ways or relations of a collection of objects

  1. Select the child objects
  2. Click on File -> source:trunk/images/download.png Download parent ways and relations
  3. The parent ways and relations are downloaded in the current data layer

Downloading the parent relations in the relation editor

You can also download parent relations of a relation in the Relation Editor.

See also

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