[[TranslatedPages]] = Edit > Copy = [[JOSMImage(copy,link=,48,middle,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut'': **`Ctrl+C`** **Copy the currently selected [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] into the clipboard,** \\ replacing any previous content. Depending where the content of the buffer is pasted you get different results: * JOSM mapview: a copy of the objects as new objects are added to the layer * Other dialogs and programs: the objects' types together with the objects' ids are pasted == See also == * [[JOSMImage(paste,link=,24,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Paste Paste] * [[JOSMImage(pastetags)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/PasteTags Paste Tags] * [[JOSMImage(duplicate)]] [wikitr:/Help/Action/Duplicate Duplicate] * [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object Objects] ---- Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Edit Menu Edit] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main Menu] \\ Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]