Changes between Version 6 and Version 25 of Help/Action/ConvertToDataLayer

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Action/ConvertToDataLayer

    v6 v25  
    33= Layer > Convert To Data Layer =
    5 [[Image(source:trunk/images/converttoosm.png)]]
    7 Creates a new OSM Data Layer comprising a [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/way.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Ways way] for each track in the GPX data, consisting of a [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/node.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Nodes node] in sequence for each track point.
     7This feature is available for [[JOSMImage(layer/gpx_small,24,link=,bottom)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList#Layertypes GPX Layers] and [[JOSMImage(layer/marker_small,24,link=,middle)]] [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList#Layertypes Marker Layers] and converts gpx data into osm data.
    9 This is very much only a starting point. You will need to split the [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/way.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Ways ways] up, connect them with correct topology, move [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/node.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Nodes nodes] around, thin them out, tag them and so on. **Never upload newly converted [[Image(source:trunk/images/data/way.png)]] [Concepts/Object#Ways ways] ! **
     9== GPX Layers ==
     11Creates a new OSM Data Layer comprising a [[JOSMImage(data/way)]] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Ways way] for each track in the GPX data, consisting of a [[JOSMImage(data/node)]] [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object#Nodes node] in sequence for each track point. You have the choice to convert all, some or none tags to the track points:
     13[[Image(gpx_convert.png,link=,margin-right=20)]] [[Image(gpx_track_point.PNG,link=)]]
     15If you want to use this way as a new OpenStreetMap's highway, this is very much only a starting point. You will need to split the ways up, connect them with correct topology, move nodes around, thin them out, remove the unwanted tags, tag them and so on. **Never upload raw converted ways ! **
     17=== Advanced preference ===
     18The related keys in the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preference] are:
     19* `gpx.convert-tags`: all, list, *ask, no
     20* `gpx.convert-tags.last`: *all, list, no
     21* `gpx.convert-tags.list.yes`: list
     22* ``: list
     25== Marker Layers ==
     27When converting a Marker Layer only the following tags of the marker will be converted to osm tags:
     28||= marker tag =||= osm tag =||
     29||  name  || name ||
     30||  desc  || description ||
     31||  cmt  || note ||
     32||  src  || source ||
     33||  sym  || gpxicon ||
     35You can adjust or enhance this list by modifying the key `` in the [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preferences]. The key `gpxicon` is intended for custom icon display within JOSM, so make sure to not upload any keys which should not be part of the OSM database. (See also ticket #13717, the implementation of this feature.)
    12 Back to [wiki:Help/Menu/GPXLayer GPX Layer][[BR]]
    13 Back to [Help/ToggleDialogs Toggle Dialogs][[BR]]
    14 Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]
     38Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/GPXLayer GPX Layer context menu] \\
     39Back to [wikitr:/Help/Dialog/LayerList Layer List] \\
     40Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]