[[TranslatedPages]] = Audio > Play/Pause = [[Image(source:/trunk/images/audio-playpause.png,40)]] ''keyboard shortcut:'' '''{{{period}}}''' * If not playing, play the sound track from the first Audio Marker, or from the point at which it was paused. * If playing, pause the sound. * If [[Image(source:/trunk/images/audio-faster.png,20)]] [wiki:/Help/Action/AudioFaster Fast Forwarding] or [[Image(source:/trunk/images/audio-slower.png,20)]] [wiki:/Help/Action/AudioSlower Slow Forwarding], [[Image(source:/trunk/images/audio-playpause.png,20)]] Play/pause will resume normal speed. == See also == * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/audio-faster.png,20)]] [wiki:/Help/Action/AudioFaster Fast Forward] * [[Image(source:/trunk/images/audio-slower.png,20)]] [wiki:/Help/Action/AudioSlower Slow Forward] * [wiki:/Help/AudioMapping Audio Mapping] ---- Back to [wiki:/Help/Menu/Audio Audio Menu][[Br]] Back to [wiki:/Help Main Help]