[[TranslatedPages]] == JOSM pikanäppäimet == Seuraavat ovat oletuspikanäppäimet. Voi olla, että tämä lista ei ole aivan ajantasainen. Voit aina katsoa JOSM:n näppäimistöasetukset ohjelman Asetusvalikosta nähdäksesi kaikki pikanäppäimet (except for the different mode modifiers). === tilavalinnat (modes) === || S || Valitse kohteet (Select objects) || A ''tai'' N || Lisää/Piirrä solmuja ja teitä (Add / Draw nodes and ways) || D || Poista solmuja tai teitä (Delete) || X || Venytä tien osaa (tee rakennus tai jotain muuta) || Z || Suurenna vetämällä (Zoom in by dragging) === muut pikanäppäimet === || B || Jaa solmuja || C || Yhdistä tiet (Combine) || G || Erota tiet (Unglue) || J || Liitä solmu tiehen (Join) || L || Kohdista solmut suoralle (Align nodes into a straight line) || M || Merge Nodes || O || Kohdista solmut ympyrälle || P || Jaa tie (Split) || Q || Suotakulmaista muoto || R || Käännä tie (Reverse) || U || Poista kaikki valinnat (Unselect All) || del || Poista kohde, mutta älä vaihda poistotilaan || + || Suurenna || - || Pienennä || Ctrl-, || Suurenna || Ctrl-. || Pienennä || Shift-A || Cycle through the different Auto zoom modes || Shift-M || Mirror nodes || Shift-O || Tee ympyrä || Shift-Q || Undo Orthogonalization for certain nodes || 1 || Zoomaa dataan || 2 || Zoomaa tasoon || 3 || Zoomaa valintaan || 4 || Zoom to conflict || 5 || Zoom to download || Ctrl-A || Valitse kaikki || Ctrl-C || Kopioi || Ctrl-X || Leikkaa || Ctrl-V || Liitä || Ctrl-Shift-V || Liitä vain tagit || Ctrl-D || Duplicate || Ctrl-Shift-A || Poista kaikki valinnat || Esc || Poista kaikki valinnat || Ctrl-Shift-D || Download || Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D || Download incomplete ways || Ctrl-Shift-U || Upload || Ctrl-← || Move visible area || Ctrl-↑ || Move visible area || Ctrl-→ || Move visible area || Ctrl-↓ || Move visible area || Shift-← || Move object || Shift-↑ || Move object || Shift-→ || Move object || Shift-↓ || Move object || Ctrl-Z || Peru || Ctrl-Y || Tee uudelleen || Ctrl-N || Uusi tiedosto (New file) || Ctrl-O || Avaa tiedosto || Ctrl-S || Talleta tiedosto || Ctrl-Shift-S || Talleta nimellä || Ctrl-E || Vie (Export to) GPX || Ctrl-F || Etsi || Ctrl-Q || Lopeta ohjelma || Ctrl-W || Toggle between wireframe and mappaint mode || F1 || Ohje || Shift-F1 || Tietoruutu (myös JOSM:n versionumero) || Ctrl-F1 || Popup tooltip of current selected action || F12 || Asetukset || Shift-Alt-A || Toggle display on / off of Authors dialog || Shift-Alt-C || Toggle display on / off of Conflict dialog || Shift-Alt-T || Toggle display on / off of Selection list dialog || Shift-Alt-H || Toggle display on / off of Display history dialog (history is not fully implemented yet) || Alt-B || Open dialog for setting a tag || Alt-L || Toggle display on / off of Layers dialog || Shift-Alt-R || Toggle display on / off of Relations dialog || Shift-Alt-O || Toggle display on / off of Command stack (the undo buffer)dialog || Shift-Alt-P || Toggle display on / off of Property for selected objects dialog || Shift-Alt-V || Toggle display on / off of validation dialog (requires plugin) === muokkaustila === || Näpäytys || Valitsee yhden kohteen. Klikkaa tyhjällä kohtaa ja vedä valitaksesi useamman kohteen. || Click || Clicking and dragging a red cross in the middle of a segment will insert a new node at the location of the cross. || Click-MiddleMouse || Cycle through the different objects under the mouse cursor (for duplicated nodes or ways sharing the same nodes). Holding "Ctrl" afterwards to directly select an object. || Shift-Click || Holding the "Shift" key when in ''select mode'' adds new element to existing selection. || Ctrl-Click || Holding the "Ctrl" key toggles element selection. || Ctrl-Shift-LeftMouse || Holding the "Shift" and "Ctrl" key allows ''rotating'' selected objects. || Ctrl-Alt-LeftMouse || Holding the "Ctrl" and "Akt" key allows ''scaling'' selected objects. || Alt-Click || Cycle through the different objects under the mouse cursor (without popup). === lisäystila === || Kaksoisnäpäytys || Lopettaa nykyisen tien. || Shift-Click || Holding the "Shift" key turns off extending the selected way || Ctrl-Click || Holding the "Ctrl" key prevents snapping on existing ways and nodes. || Alt-Click || Holding the "Alt" key creates a separated though connected way (same you could do afterwards by selecting a node and press P). This mode is marked by a small bar at the previous node. === poistotila === || Shift-Click || Holding the "Shift" key and clicking on a way segment only deletes this way segment and not the whole way. || Ctrl-Click || Holding the "Ctrl" key deletes object and references (i.e. ways using this node). || Alt-Click || Holding the "Alt" key and clicking on a way only deletes the way without its nodes. === extrude mode (X) === || Ctrl-Click || Holding the "Ctrl" moves way segments along their perpendicular (orthogonal to the arrow direction of the way segement). === kaikki tilat === || Click-RightMouse || Click and drag to span. || Hiiren pyörä || Suurenna ja pienennä. Note: In [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME gnome] desktop environment "Alt"-Click is used for moving the window. The "AltGr" key can be used instead. == Katso myös == * [http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:JOSM/Tastenk%C3%BCrzel DE:JOSM/Tastenkürzel] näppäinoikotieluettelo saksaksi ---- Paluu [wiki:/Help Main Help]