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Complementos for JOSM
Esta es una lista de todos los complementos disponibles mediante el administrador de complementos integrado en JOSM. Si usted escribió un complmenento y esta interesado en que sea visible para JOSM, debería ser suficiente añadir el complemento al SVN de OpenStreetMap y automáticamente aparecerá en esta página. Si usted no puede poner el complemento dentro el SVN entonces, edite esta página e inserte un enlace con la dirección apuntando al archivo .jar dentro la sección de comentarios al, principio de la pagina; después de algunos minutos su complemento sera descargado y se usara el archivo de manifiesto(MANIFEST) para obtener información para la siguiente tabla.
nombre | autor | descripción | versión | ||
| Mike Nice | Group common Address Interpolation inputs in a single dialog, as well as an option to automatically generate individual house number nodes from a Way. más detalles | 36387 |
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| Attila Szász | Makes a pair of selected way segments parallel by rotating one of them around a chosen pivot. más detalles | 36387 |
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| nokutu; Don-vip | Provides Apache Commons library components. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36379 |
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| Don-vip | Provides Apache HTTP library. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36379 |
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| Paul Woelfel, Thomas Konrad | Allows selection of areas in an layer and automatic creation of a way as polygon. Built to ease mapping of building from background layers. Optimized for más detalles | 357 |
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| Thomas Konrad | Automatically assigns the address to a selected object in Austria. Data © Österreichisches Adressregister 2017, N 23806/2017. más detalles | 1727789616 |
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| Rub21,samely | Automatic tools to help on common issues más detalles | 78 |
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| Rotariu Anamaria | Allows the user to correct angle of buildings to 90 degrees, and aligns all loaded buildings to nearest road. | 49 |
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| Upliner | Tools for drawing buildings. más detalles | 36387 |
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| NieWnen | Plugin which allows to add missing platform from stop position (including memberships in relations) and vice versa. más detalles | 1.0.0 |
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| Pieren;Don-vip | A special handler for the French land registry WMS server. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Rotariu Anamaria-Ionela | Allows the user to make small changes to some selected buildings . más detalles | 23 |
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| Michael Bishop | Overlays the canvec tile grid on the map and prints URL's to the .zip files. Future goals: allow auto-downloading and loading of canvec .osm files | 36379 |
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| Pieter Fiers (Ubipo) | Create a node at the center of the selected elements. más detalles | v1.0.4 |
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| Rub21 | Changeset Viewer plugin allows you to visualize the changesets in JOSM background más detalles | 1738240062 |
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| Strubbl | Shows the sum of all changed objects, which are not yet uploaded. You might know this number from the upload dialog already. | v0.1.1 |
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| Andrei Maneasa | Color Plugin provide functionality for Josm users who want to put ’color’ attribute for roof and walls of the buildings. más detalles | 34 |
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| Christof Dallermassl | Allows the user to create different color schemes and to switch between them. Just change the colors and create a new scheme. Used to switch to a white background with matching colors for better visibility in bright sunlight. See dialog in display preferences. | 36379 |
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| Oliver Wieland | Imports proprietary CSV files of the Columbus/Visiontac V-900 GPS logger into a GPX layer. más detalles | 36387 |
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| simon04 | Allows editing data in Level0L format más detalles | 36379 |
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| Hind | Implements a command line and enables to create your commands. See link for standard commands (arc, circle etc.) más detalles | 36387 |
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| Aarthy KC | Task configurations | 78 |
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| Josh Doe | Tool for conflating data (matching and merging). más detalles | 264 |
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| Gnonthgol; JOSM developers | Downloads new data when you pan/zoom más detalles | 115 |
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| Merges the contours of two areas más detalles | v0.2.2 |
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| Jorge Luis Chamorro | Create a grid of ways. más detalles | 36387 |
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| Rodion Scherbakov | Customization of public public transport stops. más detalles | 36387 |
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| qeef | Divide and Map. Now. más detalles | v0.14.2 |
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| Dieter Muecke | Allows to import various file formats into JOSM directly. Currently supported: TangoGPS, Garmin Trainings Center TCX. | 36379 |
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| Hartmut Holzgraefe | Download your GPX tracks from | 36387 |
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| Subhodip Biswas | This plugin directly upload GPS Traces from current active layer in JOSM to más detalles | 36387 |
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| Antochi Adrian and Trifan Adrian | Dxf Import más detalles | 1041 |
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| Maripo GODA | EasyPresets plugin helps you create and use custom presets más detalles | 1623509627 |
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| Martin Garbe | Allows the user to anonymize timestamps and delete parts of huge GPX tracks very fast. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Don-vip | Provides the EJML library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36379 |
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| Harald Hetzner | Displays local terrain elevation, elevation contour lines and hillshade based on SRTM data. más detalles | 0.10.1 |
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| Oliver Wieland | Shows the elevation profile and some statistical data of a GPX track. más detalles | 36387 |
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| Don-vip | Handling of French EPCIs (boundary=local_authority) más detalles | 36379 |
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| Don-vip | Provides an event bus more powerful than the traditional listeners registration | 36379 |
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| Upliner | Use external scripts in JOSM más detalles | 36379 |
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| Alexei Kasatkin | Fast drawing ways by mouse más detalles | 36387 |
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| NieWnen | Faster driveway mapping. | v1.0.1 |
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| Kai Michael Poppe | Search establishments in FHRS API and merge data into OSM más detalles | 0.2 |
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| Ian Dees, Seth Fitzsimmons | Supports downloading tiled, scanned maps from más detalles | 0.6.0 |
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| Taylor Smock | Garmin FIT files in JOSM | 36387 |
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| Oliver Wieland | Finds and fixes invalid street addresses in a comfortable way. más detalles | 36387 |
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| simon04 | FlatLaf - Flat Look and Feel más detalles | 36379 |
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| ramSeraph | Adds support for adding imagery layers hosted on Google Cloud Storage más detalles | v0.0.1 |
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| Ilya Zverev | Talk with users editing the map nearby, be notified when someone comes close. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Grab | Tool for exploring geohashes más detalles | 130 |
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| Ian Dees, matthieun, Larry0ua | Allows you to view a GeoJSON file as a layer. más detalles | 129 |
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| Don-vip | Provides parts of the GeoTools library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36384 |
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| Raphael Mack | Download GPS points from Globalsat dg100 data logger directly in JOSM. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Russell Edwards | Analyse a set of GPS points to obtain its centre and direction of spread. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Tobias Knerr | Visualizes routing information as a routing graph. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Jeroen Hoek | Generates grids. más detalles | 1741163690 |
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| Taylor Smock | Modify addr tags when a highway name is changed más detalles | 68 |
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| Oliver Raupach | Simple tool to tag house numbers and addresses. más detalles | 36387 |
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| Don-vip | Provides HTTP/2 support. Requires Java 11 or later. | 36256 |
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| Taylor Smock | Enable additional image types such as webp (each image type must be enabled in preferences) | 36387 |
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| Don-vip | Generate Imagery XML bounds from a multipolygon más detalles | 36379 |
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| Ilya Zverev | Database of imagery offsets: share and aquire imagery offsets with one button. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Flint | Another plugin to match images to the waypoints in a GPX file. A match is made when the 'name', 'cmt' or 'desc' attribute of a waypoint tag matches the filename of an image. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Christoph Beekmans, Fabian Kowitz, Anna Robaszkiewicz, Oliver Kuhn, Martin Ulitzny | Plugin for importing spatial referenced images más detalles | 36387 |
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| Upliner | Import vector graphics (SVG) más detalles | 36379 |
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| Kolesár András <kolesar@…> | Extends ImproveWayAccuracy mode with helpers to place nodes at accurate distances and angles. más detalles | 32 |
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| Roland M. Olbricht | This plugin simplifies the mapping and editing of indoor corridors. más detalles | 36379 |
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| indoor= | Allows to preview your indoor edit into indoor= más detalles | 0.0.7 |
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| Erik Gruschka, Rebecca Schmidt | Gives assistance for the mapping process of indoor OSM building data. Includes a validator and a mappaint style for indoor-data. más detalles | 253 |
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| Alexei Kasatkin | Extra information about current layer objects pop ups - currently GPX trackpoint info más detalles | 36379 |
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| Taylor Smock, Ryan Fleming, RD Clare | Implements lane connecitivity in a GUI más detalles | 0.0.7 |
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| Taylor Smock | Provides Jackson JSON library. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36387 |
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| Don-vip | Provides additional OpenJFX (JavaFX) features such as MP3 audio playback. | 36387 |
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| Don-vip | Provides the JAXB library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36379 |
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| Don-vip | Provides Java Native Access (JNA) library. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36387 |
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| Tomasz Kędziora (kendzi) | Provides the JOGL (OpenGl) library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. más detalles | 1.2.3 |
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| Jamalek | Downloads data around every selected feature or inside of it (Polygons) más detalles | 1.0.4 |
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| yunica | JOSM plugin for select areas by color range. más detalles | 3.0.0 |
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| Josh Doe <josh@…> | Provides Java Topology Suite (JTS) library and related utilities. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36379 |
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| Jörg Possin | creates a channel digraph and checks a subset of channels if it is a junction or searches in a subset of channels for junctions más detalles | 36379 |
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| Grab | Lets you map from KartaView street level imagery. más detalles | 545 |
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| Torstein Ingebrigtsen Bø | Tools to help import Kartverket N50 más detalles | 59 |
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| Tomasz Kędziora (kendzi) | Simple 3D view of osm data. It is highly experimental. It may crash! Use with caution! más detalles | 1.0.205 |
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| Tomasz Kędziora (kendzi); Taylor Smock (taylor.smock) | Simple 3D view of osm data. It is highly experimental. It may crash! Use with caution! (This dev plugin may be removed at any time) más detalles | 1.0.206-SNAPSHOT-2 |
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| Tomasz Kędziora (kendzi) | Resources data for kendzi3d plugin más detalles | 0.0.2 |
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| LexxPluss | Export OSM data in LexxPluss format más detalles | 1.1.0 |
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| LexxPluss | Import OSM data with adding lonlat coordinates más detalles | 1.1.1 |
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| LexxPluss | LexxPluss Tool más detalles | 1.6.0 |
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| gaben | Provides Google libphonenumber library components. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. más detalles | 9.0.0 |
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| Frederik Ramm | Support live GPS input (moving dot) through a connection to gpsd server. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Don-vip | Provides the Log4j library for other JOSM plugins. Not meant to be installed directly by users, but rather as a dependency for other plugins. | 36379 |
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| Taylor Smock | Provides the common LWJGL interfaces for other plugins | 36379 |
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| Taylor Smock | Provides LWJGL natives for Osx | 36379 |
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| Taylor Smock | Provides LWJGL natives for Unixoid | 36379 |
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| Taylor Smock | Provides LWJGL natives for Windows | 36379 |
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| JJWW | Make segments of a way Parallel to each other más detalles | v1.1.0 |
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| qeef | Some useful tools for HOT and Missing Maps mappers. más detalles | v1.6.1 |
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| nokutu, floscher, taylor.smock | Allows the user to work with pictures hosted at más detalles | 1792 |
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| Taylor Smock | MapRoulette Tasks in JOSM más detalles | 59 |
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| Taylor Smock | Allows the use of MapWithAI data in JOSM (same data as used in RapiD) más detalles | 837 |
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| Robert Scott | Marks ’seen’ areas of the map más detalles | 167 |
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| Nico Kuehnel | Allows to edit and extract network information for the traffic simulation MATSim más detalles | d70ae5a |
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| Ian Dees | Allows you to view a local mbtiles database as a raster layer. más detalles | v2.6.1 |
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| Raphael Mack, Reza Mohammadi | Provide a measurement dialog and a layer to measure length and angle of segments, area surrounded by a (simple) closed way and create measurement paths (which also can be imported from a gps layer). | 36374 |
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| Stéphane Brunner | Merge overlapping part of ways. | 36379 |
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| Nakor | Adds no left turn for sets of 4 or 5 ways más detalles | 36379 |
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| vucod | Scraping microdata from websites to convert them in openstreetmap tags. más detalles | 1608227152 |
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| Microsoft | Allows the user to work with pictures hosted at Microsoft Streetside más detalles | 36387 |
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| NieWnen | Move an object memberships to another object with keeping order and roles in the relationships. más detalles | 1.3.0 |
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| Maripo GODA | This plugin will display an alert whenever an object is moved a long distance (such as by a misoperation) más detalles | 1511141840 |
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| Rafal Jachowicz <rjachow@…> | Allows to attribute tags to all objects in any selected area at once | 36379 |
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| Ilya Zverev | NanoLog adjustment and browsing layer más detalles | 36387 |
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| Paul Hartmann | Use your system's password manager to store the API username and password. (KWallet and gnome-keyring are supported.) más detalles | 36379 |
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| Kai Michael Poppe | Used for closing notes when uploading a changeset and referencing them in each other's comments to keep references. más detalles | 0.5.0 |
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| Gerd Petermann | Import OSM data in o5m format más detalles | 36379 |
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| Rub21 | Filter OpenHistoricalMap objects by a range of dates más detalles | 1726089000 |
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| Don-vip | Allows JOSM to read Open Data formats (csv, xls, ods, kml, kmz, shp, mif) into an .osm data layer. Supports zip and 7z compression of these file types. más detalles | 36384 |
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| Falko Thomale | extended options for editing opening_hours más detalles | 36387 |
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| Taylor Smock <incoming+gokaart/JOSM_OpenQA@…> | OpenQA validation checker (supports Osmose and Keepright)) más detalles | 113 |
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| Christof Dallermassl | Allows opening gpx/osm files that intersect the currently visible screen area | 36379 |
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| Rub21 | Display OpenStreetMap object information más detalles | 62 |
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| osmai <osmai@…> | Map buildings semi-automatically by downloading computer-generated buildings into JOSM editor (England only). Instead of the human drawing each building, the human now downloads ready-made buildings, verifies that they are accurate, edits/modifies them if necessary, and then merges them into OSM as usual. This dramatically speeds up mapping of buildings for most areas (but not for areas with poor Bing aerial imagery, nor for very large buildings, nor for some very tightly-packed housing estates). | 1.0 |
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| Taylor Smock <incoming+gokaart/JOSM_WikiData@…> | Allow the addition/modification of OpenStreetMap Wiki Data items (ALPHA, WILL HAVE BUGS) más detalles | 0.0.8 |
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| Kishan Tripathi | Image Viewer for 360 images. más detalles | 1.0.1 |
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| Don-vip | Import/export OSM data in PBF format más detalles | 36379 |
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| extropy | Import PDF file into a layer and convert pdf lines to ways. más detalles | 36379 |
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| PythonshellDebugwindow | Allows the user to create a perpendicular way from a starting node. más detalles | 1.0.0 |
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| gaben | Gives the validator ability to verify and auto-fix incorrect phone numbers más detalles | 1.1.1 |
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| Paul Hartmann | Write gps position info to the image file header. Run this feature from the right click menu of the image layer. más detalles | 36379 |
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| holgermappt | Make photos movable and position them on the map. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Tomasz Stelmach | This plugin allows to display any picture as a background in the editor and align it with the map. más detalles | 264 |
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| NieWnen | Import buildings from Polish public datasets. más detalles | 2.1.0 |
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| NieWnen | Make merging Polish addresses with old_addr easier. más detalles | 1.0.0 |
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| Taylor Smock | A plugin for pmtile support | 36387 |
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| Marián Kyral | Shows an additional information about point on map. Only Czech RUIAN and Spanish Cadastre Web Services modules are available at this moment. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Zverik | Read and write osmosis poly filter files más detalles | 36379 |
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| KiaaTiX | Plugin for splitting and cutting out (multi)polygons | v0.7.3 |
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| Kai Pastor | Adds map printing to JOSM | 36379 |
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| Biswesh Mohapatra <biswesh123@…>, simon04, Rodion Scherbakov | Provides validation and fixing for public transport route according to version 2 of the public transport schema más detalles | 651 |
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| Amanda McCann amanda@… | Adds the clacks_overhead=GNU Terry Pratchett tag to all your changesets | v0.2.1 |
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| Roland M. Olbricht | This plugin simplifies the mapping and editing of public transport routes. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Maripo GODA | This plugin shows specified tags next to or inside objects. más detalles | 23 |
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| Vadim Varnavsky | The RasterFiltersPlugin allows to choose and apply some images' filters to some layers | 1.0.5 |
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| David Karlaš | JOSM plugin for reviewing changes. más detalles | 1.0.1 |
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| John Kennedy (jmkie) | Helps multiple adjacent relations to be dissolved into a single relation. más detalles | 0.2.0 |
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| Ilya Zverev | Relation and multipolygon creating and editing panel. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Upliner | Plugin for reverting changesets más detalles | 36379 |
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| David KarlaÅ¡ | JOSM plugin for reviewing changes before upload. más detalles | 1.1.1 |
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| Gorm Egeberg Johnsen | Expand a simple intersection to a roundabout in gradual steps. Select an intersection node or a roundabout and press Crtl-Shift-R más detalles | 54 |
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| Paul Hartmann | Plugin for tagging of objects based on a selection of road signs. The dialog can be opened by clicking a small icon in the upper right corner of the properties window. Available country presets: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Jiri Klement | Renders routes (bus, hiking trails, bicycle routes, ..). Route types must be defined in routes.xml file in plugin directory | 36349 |
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| Jose Vidal <vidalfree@…>, Juangui Jordán <juangui@…>, Hassan S <hassan.sabirin@…> | Provides routing capabilities. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Taylor Smock | Production-ready routing with valhalla más detalles | 8 |
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| Florian Schäfer (floscher) | A plugin to keep track of the time spent for mapping. Can be used to report that time to . más detalles | 0.1.1 |
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| Stepan I. and TakutoRU | Плагин JOSM для загрузки адресов из ЕГРН más detalles | |
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| Mouath Ibrahim | This tool will query the Saudi National address API using coordinate and return building number, An API key is required. can be obtained from más detalles | 36387 |
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| Runs scripts in JOSM más detalles | v0.3.5 |
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| Frederik Ramm | Loads data from SDS | 36379 |
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| Malcolm Herring | Imagery Layer for Sea Charts más detalles | 36379 |
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| Malcolm Herring | Edit features for OpenSeaMap más detalles | 36379 |
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| Antochi Adrian and Trifan Adrian | Gives user more tools that facilitate aligning and rotation of buildings. más detalles | 68 |
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| Pieter Fiers (Ubipo) | Create a "shrinkwrapped" way or a convex hull around the selection, or a "ballooned" way around the cursor (inner concave hull). Useful for mapping landuse or areas. más detalles | v1.1.3 |
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| Taylor Smock <tsmock@…> | Various utilities to make creating sidewalks easier más detalles | 71 |
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| Martin Ždila <m.zdila@…> | Simplify area by removing nodes on very obtuse angles. This can be constrained by maximum removed area size. Also average nearby nodes. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Upliner | Allows to draw splines | 36379 |
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| Christof Dallermassl | Allow adding markers/nodes on current gps positions. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Don-vip & FrViPofm | Launch browser to a Web resource about a selected object having known tags, such as Wikipedia más detalles | 35248 |
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| Karl Guggisberg | Provides a dialog for editing tags in a tabular grid. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Imi | Adds a tagging preset tester to the windows menu, which helps you developing of tagging presets (quick preview of the dialog that will popup). You can start the jar-file as standalone as well. | 36379 |
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| Matt Amos | Make terraced houses out of single blocks. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Gnonthgol;AndrewBuck;bagage | Adds a todo list dialog that makes it easy to go through large lists of objects más detalles | 148 |
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| Kendzi | Simple plugin for taging tombs más detalles | 58 |
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| glebius@… | Provides helper buttons to allow working with single button mouse (stylus). Activate by holding T and slip map with left mouse button más detalles | 36379 |
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| Jan Bilak, Petr Dlouhý | Traces buildings from Czech cadastral map. Needs TracerServer (.NET or Mono) to be running. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Jan Bilak, Petr Dlouhý, Marián Kyral, Martin Švec | This is an testing version of the improved original Tracer plugin developed at más detalles | 1721539929 |
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| Jan Bilak, Petr Dlouhý, Dirk Brünig | Traces buildings and other shapes from a map. Needs Tracer2Server to be running. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Harald Hetzner | Opens all GPX tracks in the current map view from a specified directory. Can work recursively. más detalles | 0.3.1 |
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| Benjamin Schulz | Provides a straightforward GUI for adding, editing and deleting turn lanes. más detalles | 36391 |
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| Rub21 | Editor to add turn lanes tags in highways más detalles | 1736422495 |
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| Karl Guggisberg | The turnrestrictions plugin allows to enter maintain information about turn restrictions in the OpenStreetMap database. más detalles | 36379 |
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| Derick Rethans | Make terraced houses out of single blocks, with fancy shapes and roofs | 1718729454 |
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| Nakor | Allows undeleting object from OSM database más detalles | 36379 |
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| Kalle Lampila, Upliner, Zverik, akks, joshdoe and others | Several utilities that make your life easier. más detalles | 36389 |
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| Harry Wood | Easy downloading along a long set of interconnected ways más detalles | 36379 |
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| Åsmund Realfsen - realfsen at | Enables searching for waypoint imported from gpx file. | 36379 |
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| floscher <incoming+josm-plugin-wikipedia-6702380-issue-@…>, simon04 | Simplifies linking OSM objects to Wikipedia articles and Wikidata items más detalles | 432 |
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| Andrzej Zaborowski | Drive a race car from point A to point B over aerial imagery, leave cacti behind. más detalles | 36379 |
Complementos En Construcción
Instalación Automática
Vaya a Editar-preferencias-Complementos. Después haga click en "Descargar Lista" Seguido de "Actualizar Complementos". Por ultimo, habilite todos los complementos que quiera instalar.
Instalación Manual
Si la instalación automática no funciona, usted puede instalar complementos manualmente, copiando los archivos .jar en la carpeta de complementos que se encuentra dentro la carpeta de principal de JOSM
- Equipos con Windows, Se encuentra en
C:\Documents and Settings\
username\Application Data\JOSM\plugins
. - Equipos con Vista, Los complementos están localizados en
. - Equipos con Mac or Linux puede encontrar el directorio JOSM en la carpeta de ucuarion
. El punto "." delante de ".josm" idica que esta carpeta es una carpeta invisible. Para mostrar el contenido de esta carpeta invisible, use el acceso ir a la carpeta (cmd-shift-G), y pulse "~/.josm" en el cuadro de dialogo que aparece. Arrastre cualquier complemento que dese instalar en la carpetaplugins
. (Tambien puede copiar los complementos utilizando la linea de comandos.)
Ahora reinicie Josm y el complemento deberia mostrase en: Editar-Preferencias-Complementos. Active el complemento y reinicie JOSM una vez más.
Interesado en desarrollar complementos? Visite: DevelopersGuide/DevelopingPlugins