Changes between Version 194 and Version 225 of Download

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(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Download

    v194 v225  
    1010== Recommended options ==#Recommendedoptions
    11 [[JOSMImage(openlocation, valign=middle, link=[download/josm.jnlp])]] **Start [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp]** (newest tested version) \\
     11[[JOSMImage(openlocation, valign=middle, link=[/download/josm.jnlp])]] **Start [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp]** (newest tested version) \\
    1212Recommended version, all platforms, automatic update to the newest ''tested version'' monthly ([#Webstart how to start]). \\ \\
    3131||  [/download/josm.jnlp josm.jnlp]  ||  \
    3232||  [/josm-tested.jar]  ||  \
    33 ||  \\ [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe josm-setup.exe] \\ ''([#Mswindowswrapper see below])''  ||  \
     33||  \\ [/download/windows/josm-setup.exe josm-setup.exe] \\ [/download/windows/josm-setup.msi josm-setup.msi] \\ [ Microsoft Store]\\ ''([#Mswindowswrapper see below])''  ||  \
    3434||  \\ [/download/macosx/ JOSM macOS .zip package] \\ ''or ([#macOS homebrew])''  ||  \
    3535||  ''[#Ubuntu see below]''  ||  \
    3636||  ''[#Opensuse see below]''  ||  \
    3737||  [/nexus/content/groups/public/org/openstreetmap/josm/josm/ josm]:[[Version(tested)]]  ||
    38 ||**latest [[Version(latest)]]** || \
     38||**latest [[Version(latest)]]** ||  \
    3939||  [/download/josm-latest.jnlp latest.jnlp]  ||  \
    40 ||  [/josm-latest.jar]  || || ||  \
     40||  [/josm-latest.jar]  ||  \
     41||  ''see [ releases on github]  ||  \
     42||  ''see [ releases on github]  ||  \
    4143||  ''[#Ubuntu see below]''  || ||  \
    4244||  [/nexus/content/groups/public/org/openstreetmap/josm/josm/SNAPSHOT/ Use snapshots]  ||
    4345||=''**older**'' =|| ||  \
    44 ||  [/download/ download/]  || ||  \
    45 ||  [ automatic builds]  ||  \
    46 ||  [/apt/dists/ dists/]  || ||  \
     46||  [/download/ download/]  ||  \
     47||  ''see [ releases on github]  ||  \
     48||  ''see [ releases on github]  ||  \
     49||  [/apt/pool/universe/j/ pool/]  || ||  \
    4750||  [/nexus/content/groups/public/org/openstreetmap/josm/josm/ tested versions]  ||
    6063* ''josm'' – Provides the tested version (stable). Replaces the package from the official repository of your distribution. The default JOSM directories name is set to `JOSM`.
    6164* ''josm-latest'' – The latest version (nightly). Can be installed in parallel to the josm package, therefore the default JOSM directories name is set to `JOSM-latest`.
     65Both packages provide `/etc/default/josm` respectively `/etc/default/josm-latest` as config file for [wikitr:Help/CommandLineOptions#Javaoptions java options].
    6367In addition to the regular procedure described below, older DEBs can be manually downloaded from the [/apt/pool/universe/j/ archives].
     82deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] plucky universe
     83deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] oracular universe
     84deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] noble universe
    7885deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] jammy universe
    79 deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] impish universe
    80 deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] hirsute universe
    81 deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] groovy universe
    8286deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] focal universe
    83 deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] eoan universe
    84 deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] disco universe
    8587deb [signed-by=/usr/local/share/keyrings/josm-apt.gpg] bionic universe
    141143Our own Ubuntu packages, [#Ubuntu above], work on Debian and we recommend to use them. Depending on the setup of `sudo`, some instruction will not work as "normal" user but only as `root`.
     145The tested version of [ JOSM] is available under **''main''** in section **''utils''**, but the version is usually quite old. \\
     146Please, use the [ backports repository] to get a more up-to-date version, see [ Instructions]. This version might still be older than our own packages.
    143148Since Debian 11 (bullseye) the [ josm-installer] is available under **''main''** in section **''utils''**. It downloads the current .jar file from this site and updates it if necessary.
    145 The tested version of [ JOSM] is available under **''main''** in section **''utils''**, but the version is usually quiet old. \\
    146 Please, use the [ backports repository] to get a more up-to-date version, see [ Instructions]. Still this version might be quiet old.
    148150=== openSUSE  ===#Opensuse
    149 [=#openSUSE]
    150 The tested version of JOSM is available in the Application:Geo repository.
    152 First add as root user in yast or with zypper the repository:
    153 {{{#!sh
    154 zypper ar -f '$releasever' Application:Geo
     151The tested version of JOSM is available in the Application:Geo repository.[=#openSUSE]
     153First add as root user in yast or with zypper the repository (for Tumbleweed replace **$releasever** with **openSUSE_Tumbleweed**):
     155zypper ar -f '$releasever' Application:Geo
    160161== Troubleshooting ==
    161162=== Java ===#Java
    162 [=#Doubleclickonafiledoesnothing When you double-click on a jar file and nothing happens] in most cases this means Java isn't installed.
    164 JOSM was tested with Oracles variant, so we used to recommend getting Java from their pages for [ manual] downloads or [ intermediate] versions.
    166 JOSM now recommends [ Azul] or [ Bellsoft Liberica] JDK's. Generally speaking, the current Java LTS should be preferred (at time of writing, that would be Java 17), but Java 8 will work. See the [source:/trunk/README README] for current recommendations. But first give the Java already distributed with the operating system a try, [ for example].
     163When you double-click on a jar file and nothing happens in most cases this means Java isn't installed.
     165JOSM now recommends [ Azul] or [ Bellsoft Liberica] JDK's. Generally speaking, the current Java LTS should be preferred (at time of writing, that would be Java 17), but Java 11 will work. See the [source:/trunk/README README] for current recommendations. But first give the Java already distributed with the operating system a try, [ for example].
    172171 * Avoid pages like which intent to place Java Plug-ins in web browsers. And this is **not** important for JOSM.
    174 For further information visit the [InstallNotes Installation Notes] and [ troubleshooting] pages.
     173For further information visit the [wikitr:/InstallNotes Installation Notes] and [ troubleshooting] pages.
    175174''Java'' in this section means a JRE (Java Runtime Engine) which provides a JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to run JOSM, a Java program that is developed using JDK (Java Development Kit) and sometimes launched with the JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol aka Web Start and successor of Java Plug-ins).
    188187=== Web Start ===#Webstart
    190 You need to install [ OpenWebStart] first. It will download and run Java by itself. The transition from Oracle WebStart to OpenWebStart is still in progress, so in case of issue please create a [/newticket new ticket] or post a comment to #17858.
     189You need to install [ OpenWebStart] first. It will download and run Java by itself. Please use the 64 bit (`x64`) version of OpenWebStart if you are on Microsoft Windows. The transition from Oracle WebStart to OpenWebStart is still in progress, so in case of issue please create a [/newticket new ticket] or post a comment to #17858.
    192191You may need to update the default application for opening JNLP files if you previously used Oracle WebStart. See [ jnlp file association] for instructions on setting OpenWebStart as the default program for jnlp files.
    206205For some tasks, JOSM has a large appetite for memory. On the one hand, it may be necessary to configure a memory size that supports more plugins and features. On the other hand can slow machines be stabilized by restricting Javas memory use.
    207 If needed, use the [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions command line] to set the [ Java Option] -Xmx…m, for example `-Xmx512m` or `-Xmx1536m`.
     206If needed, use the [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions command line] to set the [ Java Option] -Xmx…m, for example `-Xmx512m` or `-Xmx1536m`. In Debian/Ubuntu you can edit the file `/etc/default/josm` respectively `/etc/default/josm-latest`. \\
    208207Formerly older java programs accepted `-Xmx=512m` or even `-Xmx 512m`. Now those malformed arguments throw error messages.
    226 === Windows josm.exe ===#Mswindowswrapper
     224=== Microsoft Windows ===#MSWindows
     225==== josm.exe ====#Mswindowswrapper
    227226Using josm-setup.exe for installation on Microsoft Windows does the following:
    228227 * Puts two executable files `JOSM.exe` and `HWConsole.exe` in directory `%LOCALAPPDATA%\JOSM`
    246 For giving [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions#Javaoptions Java options] to the Java VM JOSM.exe uses the configuration file `JOSM.cfg` in its app sub-directory. In this file each option needs a separate line.
     245For giving [wikitr:/Help/CommandLineOptions#Javaoptions Java options] to the Java VM, JOSM.exe uses the configuration file `JOSM.cfg` in its app sub-directory. In this file, each option must be on a separate line.
     247For example, to change memory allocation, open `%LOCALAPPDATA%\JOSM\app\JOSM.cfg` and add `java-options=-Xmx8192m` (for 8 GB) to a new line under the `[JavaOptions]` header.
     249==== Graphics ====#MicrosoftWindowsGraphics
     250Some Windows installations have graphics driver issues (see #23784 for an example). This may exhibit symptoms such as:
     251* Black bars in JOSM toolbars
     252* Flickering
     253* Other unexpected user interface issues
     2551. Download and install Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU, [ source]) from the official mirror =>
     2562. From the "Device Type" drop-down on the right, select "GPU". DDU will automatically detect the GPU you're using.
     2573. Click on "Clean and Restart" at the top. This will uninstall the graphics drivers and restart your PC.
     2584. Reinstall the drivers.
     260//**WARNING: Create a backup of your PC before using DDU. Although it creates a recovery point by itself, it's ideal to make one yourself just in case.**//
    248262=== macOS ===#macOS
    258272In Terminal, run the `brew install --cask josm` to install or `brew upgrade --cask josm` to upgrade to the current tested version of JOSM.
     274=== Linux ===#linux
     275==== Arch Linux ====
     276Using AUR you can install [ openwebstart-bin].
     278If you use [ icedtea-web] instead of the recommended openwebstart you will get an error with the newest java. java-17-openjdk is known to work, but java-22-openjdk do not.