
Version 1 (modified by anonymous, 3 years ago) ( diff )


meta {

title: "Show Osm_ID"; version: "1.1.18_2021-11-17"; description: "This style is for a layer with the .osm file from Keypad-Mapper 3. It shows the (positive) IDs of the ways. icon: "icon.svg"; author: "Chetan"; link: " Osm_ID";

} meta[lang=de] {

title: "Osm_ID"; description: "ways showing osm_Id"; link: " Osm_ID";


way[osm_id()<0]::id {

text-halo-color: white; text-halo-radius: 3; font-size: 12; text-color: black; text-anchor-vertical: center; text-offset-x: 10; text-offset-y: -15; text: eval(get(split(".", osm_id()), 0)); z-index: 1;


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