Changes between Version 469 and Version 1026 of Changelog

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Changelog

    v469 v1026  
    2 = Changelog
     2[[PageOutline(2-15,Table of Contents)]]
    4 This [wiki:Portals portal] aims for providing user-friendly changelog for the [[DevelopersGuide/Schedule|tested releases]] of JOSM.  Its granularity lies somewhere between the contents of [[StartupPage]] and the [/log SVN log messages]. Changes of external resources ([[Presets|Presets]], [[Styles|Map Paint Styles]], [[Rules|Validator Rules]] and [[Plugins|Plugins]]) are not listed here. There are also JOSM related changes in the [ osm trac] which are not listed here as well.
     4= Changelog =
     5This page provides an user-friendly changelog for the [wikitr:/Releases stable releases] of JOSM. Its granularity lies between the contents of the [wikitr:/StartupPage] and the [/log SVN log messages].
     6* This list contains mainly enhancements and changes.
     7* Bug fixes are seldom listed here (although a major part of each release are bug fixes). See the link ''SVN log messages of milestone YY.MM'' at the end of each chapter to search for fixed bugs.
     8* Changes of external resources ([wikitr:/Presets Presets], [wikitr:/Styles Map Paint Styles], [wikitr:/Rules Validator Rules], [wikitr:/Maps Imageries] and [wikitr:/Plugins Plugins]) are not listed here.
    6 == 2016-11-??: Stable release r112?? ([milestone:"16.10" 16.10]) == #stable-release-16.10
    7 * major enhancements
    8   * Evaluate extended Overpass queries bbox, geocodeArea (r11002, r11003)
    9   * New button to open a note in an external browser (r11030)
    10   * Enhance and allow customization of tag mapping when converting GPX markers to OSM data (r11089)
    11 * medium enhancements
    12   * Allow non-default file formats with native file chooser (r11004)
    13   * Bugfixes related to recent major core changes ([ list])
    14   * Grouping and alphabetical ordering in validator tree (r11127, r11132, r11133, r11138, r11139, r11146, r11153)
    15   * OAuth signing of all API requests to support user-based bandwith limit instead of IP-based one (r11193, r11194)
    16 * minor enhancements
    17   * Allow mouse wheel to change visibility slider value (r11055, r11206)
    18   * Warning on reversing ways with direction-dependent nodes (r11061, r11069)
    19   * Silently drop also converted_by (r11064, r11065)
    20   * Enhance supported URLs for downloading GPS data (r11073, r11124)
    21   * Option to draw segment order numbers on selected way (r11090)
    22   * Changeset manager: allow to download objects from a changeset (r11091)
    23   * Use restart text and icon in unsaved changes dialog (r11093)
    24   * Simplify Way Action for first node of closed way (patch by Tyndare, r11118)
    25   * Improve MultipolygonBuilder (patch by gpetermann_muenchen, r11119)
    26   * Open conflict toggle dialog after creating conflict with relation manager (r11120)
    27   * Activate "Flush tile cache" menu item on ​!file:/// TileSources (r11125)
    28   * Properly handling of HDOP - not restricting it to the range of 0 to 1 (r11161)
    29   * Use XDG Base Directory Specification on Linux (r11162)
    30   * Add WMS layer also without any other layer (r11174, r11185)
    31   * Adjust upload order to avoid problems when uploading undeleted objects (r11176)
    32   * Allow working on readonly JOSM Home (r11188)
    33   * AbstractTileSourceLayer: Allow additional layer context menu entries (patch by holgermappt, r11197)
    34   * Add/improve/fix/change Internal Presets, Map Paint Style and Validation rules:
    35    * associatedStreet Relation validation (r10967)
    36    * Multipolygon role verification (r10981)
    37    * Coastline validation and performance improvement (patch by gpetermann_muenchen, r10991)
    38    * More validation of different number of lanes (r10995)
    39    * building=ruins and natural=shingle (r10996, r11034)
    40    * aeroway=holding_position (r11005)
    41    * ford=stepping_stones, new ford icon and improved ford dashes (r11010)
    42    * emergency_telephone_code for highway=emergency_access_point (r11025)
    43    * golf=bunker natural=beach combination validation (r11047)
    44    * Raise too large building and restriction or route on a node to error level (r11049)
    45    * Improve "waterway=weir together with bridge=yes" warning (r11074)
    46    * Warn about housenames looking like housenumbers and same values of both (r11075, r11077)
    47    * Don't set bicycle=yes by default for barrier=stile|turn_stile|kissing_gate (r11076)
    48    * Add warning about possibly missing building tag (info level) (r11080)
    49    * "Missing name:* translation" test: ignore name:etymology:wikidata (r11131)
    50    * Allow leisure=horse_riding as physical feature for sport=* (r11133)
    51    * leisure=slipway node should be connected to a way (r11133)
    52    * lanes preset (r11133)
    53    * Detect all self-intersecting ways (patch by Gerd Petermann, r11136, r11149)
    54    * Enhance emergency=defibrillator preset (r11150)
    55    * Enhance sport=equestrian|horse_racing presets (r11153)
    56    * More desciptive values of Route network values (iwn,nwn,...) in preset and don't sort them (r11153)
    57    * Warn about missing sport key on pitches (r11153)
    58    * Exclude railway=razed from crossing ways test (r11155)
    59    * Multipolygon validation (r11157, r11158)
    60    * sport=skiing validation (r11159)
    61    * Add building=college (r11163)
    62    * Remove "lcn without highway" warning (r11209)
    63    * Fix StyleCache performance (patch by gpetermann_muenchen, r11212, r11214, r11215)
    64   * A lot more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=11218&stop_rev=10966&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.10]
     10== 2025-03-01: Stable release 19342 ([milestone:"25.02" 25.02]) == #stable-release-25.02
     11* See full log [/log/josm/?rev=19342&stop_rev=19308 SVN log messages of milestone 25.02]
    66 == 2016-09-05: Stable release r10966 ([milestone:"16.08" 16.08]) == #stable-release-16.08
    67 * major enhancements
    68   * Rework of core code (a lot by michael2402 as part of GSoC 2016: [ list])
    69   * New function "Download in current view" in File menu (r10816, r10848)
    70   * Paste object URLs from to download objects (r10881)
    71   * Support multiple projections (r10805)
    72 * medium enhancements
    73   * Preset/Mappaint icon improvements: optimized and replaced png by svg for better view at standard and hidpi screens (r10808, r10810, r10813:10815, r10822, r10823, r10825, r10849, r10854, r10918)
    74   * Improve bug reports (r10796, r10819, r10868, r10902, r10929, r10933)
    75   * Support of multiple projections (r10805)
    76   * Load plugins from list (r10811)
    77   * Adjust GeoJSON export (r10817, r10852)
    78 * minor enhancements
    79   * Internal Presets, Map Paint Style and Validation rules:
    80    * Add/improve/fix: landuse=aquaculture (r10798, r10799), leisure=beach_resort (r10822), water, basin and reservoir (r10860), piste mappaint (r10896), shop=pastry (r10897), deprecate shop=souvenir, update vending values, remove mappaint of highway=ford and shop=car_dealer (r10911), highway=ford (r10916), "Duplicate Node" test (r10924)
    81   * Fix search for incomplete relations (r10792)
    82   * Update user and timestamp of OSM objects after upload (r10818)
    83   * Improve handling of user names that have changed (r10841)
    84   * If an icon is rotated then the selection box is now rotated as well (r10842)
    85   * Fix display of imagery on low zoom and near 180° meridian (r10805, r10964)
    86   * Hatched texture (not downloaded area) now stays in place relative to map (r10806)
    87   * A lot more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=10966&stop_rev=10787&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.08]
     13== 2025-02-04: Stable release 19307 ([milestone:"25.01" 25.01]) == #stable-release-25.01
     14* See full log [/log/josm/?rev=19307&stop_rev=19278 SVN log messages of milestone 25.01]
    89 == 2016-08-12: Stable release r10786 ([milestone:"16.07" 16.07]) == #stable-release-16.07
    90 * major enhancements
    91   * '''Switch to Java 8''' with code improvements (#11390)
    92   * Big rework of core code (a lot by michael2402 as part of GSoC 2016: [ list])
    93   * New function "Paste at source position" (r10766)
    94   * Support geo: URLs (r10630, r10635)
    95 * medium enhancements
    96   * Preset/Mappaint icon improvements: optimized and replaced png by svg for better sharpness at standard and hidpi screens (r10565, r10566, r10573:10575, r10579, r10706, r10707, r10709, r10724, r10725, r10750, r10751, r10767)
    97   * Improve bug reports (r10585, r10649, r10659, r10720, r10734, r10777)
    98   * Improve performance of multipolygon validation, unconnected ways validation and relation sorting (r10683, r10684, r10700, r10776 patches by gpetermann_muenchen)
    99   * Group MapCSS tag checker tests (r10710)
    100   * "Select all" and "Search" now respects filters (r10711)
    101 * minor enhancements
    102   * Internal Presets, Map Paint Style and Validation rules:
    103    * Add/improve/fix: "Crossing waterways" warning (r10528), "Unconnected waterway or wrong way flow" warning (r10530), "oneway with :forward/:backward" warning (r10535), gender in hairdresser preset and related validation (r10537), "water without natural=water" and landuse=pond warnings (r10538), leisure=fitness_centre (r10539, r10551), railway=funicular and vending=milk (r10540), government=* (r10544), opening_hours validation (r10550), natural=reef (r10676, r10707, r10709, r10724), craft=roofer icon (r10727), voltage values (r10770), postal_code (r10771)
    104   * Copy from the object history view (r10637)
    105   * Imagery cache improvements (r10534, r10536, r10545, r10558, r10562, r10652)
    106   * Don't duplicate layer names in the changeset source (r10669)
    107   * Counting the occurence of tags as base for prospective tag statistics (r10736)
    108   * Pressing enter in the wizard box creates the overpass query (r10782)
    109   * Set encoding of remote control error pages to UTF-8 and HTML-escape the localized messages (r10587 patch by floscher)
    110   * A lot more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=10786&stop_rev=10527&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.07]
     16== 2025-01-03: Stable release 19277 ([milestone:"24.12" 24.12]) == #stable-release-24.12
     17* See full log [/log/josm/?rev=19277&stop_rev=19266 SVN log messages of milestone 24.12]
    112 == 2016-07-12: Stable release r10526 ([milestone:"16.06" 16.06]) == #stable-release-16.06
    113 * major enhancements
    114   * '''Last Java 7 version'''
    115   * Big rework of core code mainly by michael2402 as part of GSoC 2016 (r10332, r10340, r10342:10346, r10352:10355, r10363, r10364, r10367, r10371:10375, r10382, r10384, r10386, r10391, r10412, r10413, r10424, r10431, r10432, r10436, r10438, r10457, r10458, r10474:10476, r10465:10467, r10478:10484, r10486, r10487, r10490, r10491, r10494:10496, r10504, r10507, r10508, r10510, r10513, r10525)
    116   * Improve GUI for HiDPI screens mainly by strump (still work in progress) (r10356:10359, r10369, r10392, r10428, r10440:10447, r10452:10254)
    117 * minor enhancements
    118   * Internal Presets, Map Paint Style and Validation rules:
    119    * Add/improve/fix: islet/island size warning (r10328), `shop=organic` warning (r10329), `amenity=charging_station` preset (r10330), `amenity=ferry_terminal` node connected to a highway (r10349), `oneway` warning (r10350), remove "openGeoDB:..." mappaint (r10351), `cables`, `circuits` and `capacity` presets and warnings (r10361), descriptions of tracktype values (r10366), `natural=cave` warning (r10376), long waterways with negative layer warning (r10388, r10419), Coastline inside water warning (r10389), `intermittent`-dashes for `natural=water` and `waterway=riverbank` multipolygons (r10419), unconnected `waterway` warning (r10422, r10427), public transport mappaint style and presets (r10429, r10439, r10449, r10450, r10501, r10502), icons in preset combos of `entrance`, `crossing` and `shelter_type` (r10437, r10500), deprecate `name:botanical` (r10451), remove empty node icons in mapview for `barrier=fence|portcullis|drawbridge` (r10451), `location:transition` instead of `tower=transition` and `pole=transition` (r10511, r10518), remove `highway=crossing` `crossing=no` combination (r10522)
    120   * 97 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=10526&stop_rev=10328&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.06]
     19== Older stable releases ==
     20  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2024]: Releases from r18906 to r19265
     21  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2023]: Releases from r18623 to r18905
     22  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2022]: Releases from r18361 to r18622
     23  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2021]: Releases from r17429 to r18360
     24  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2020]: Releases from r15629 to r17428
     25  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2019]: Releases from r14261 to r15628
     26  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2018]: Releases from r13266 to r14260
     27  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2017]: Releases from r11426 to r13265
     28  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2016]: Releases from r9230 to r11425
     29  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2015]: Releases from r7907 to r9229
     30  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2014]: Releases from r6763 to r7906
     31  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2013]: Releases from r5697 to r6502
     32  * [wikitr:/Changelog/2012]: Releases from r4878 to r5608
    122 == 2016-06-05: Stable release r10327 (hotfix)
    123 * major enhancements
    124   * Fix crash when exiting JOSM (r10325)
    125   * Fix crash when starting JOSM with Java 9 (r10322)
    126   * Fix problems with imagery cache (r10323)
    127 * minor enhancements
    128   * Update `surface` values in presets (r10319)
    129   * Update route relation presets and fix missing relation type validator warning (r10320)
    130   * 21 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=10327&stop_rev=10302&limit=900 SVN log messages]
    132 == 2016-05-30: Stable release r10301 ([milestone:"16.05" 16.05]) == #stable-release-16.05
    133 * major enhancements
    134   * Big rework of core code regarding i.a. layer management by michael2402 as part of GSoC 2016 (r10271, r10273, r10274, r10277:10279, r10281:10283, r10286:10289)
    135   * Possibility to add validator tests with a plugin (based on patch by darya) as part of GSoC 2016 (r10297)
    136 * medium enhancements
    137   * Better Java 9 compatibility (r10178, r10208:10210, r10257:10260, r10262, r10264, r10265, r10267, r10269, r10270, r10276, r10289)
    138 * minor enhancements
    139   * Internal Presets, Map Paint Style and Validation rules:
    140    * Add/improve/fix: adjust zoom dependend font size (r10177), ignore splitted roundabouts in roundabout validation test (r10204), warn about `service=yes` and warn about `service=drive_through` (replace by drive-through) (r10229), warn about uncommon values of key `service` (r10230, r10249), don't warn about a `amenity=car_wash` node connected to a way (r10231), warn about "Unconnected waterway or wrong way flow" (r10232, r10251), add `tactile_paving` combo to more presets (r10233), don't warn about `highway=services|rest_area` + `addr:postcode` (r10272), don't warn about `leisure=slipway` connected to highways (r10272), warn about `leisure=yes` (r10272)
    141   * Adapt GPX color scale bar to system of measurement for velocity (r10175, r10186)
    142   * Make width of field showing name of object under cursor dynamic to display more text (r10191)
    143   * New cursor icons for Parallel Way Action (r10220)
    144   * Improved Bug reports (r10226, r10285)
    145   * Unbind Z shortcut from "Zoom mode" and make it visible in expert mode only (r10241)
    146   * 86 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, translation updates, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=10301&stop_rev=10169&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.05]
    148 == 2016-05-03: Stable release r10168 ([milestone:"16.04" 16.04]) == #stable-release-16.04
    149 * major enhancements
    150   * New layer filters (opacity/colorfulness/gamma/sharpness) (r10011, r10012, r10142, r10148)
    151 * medium enhancements
    152   * Better Java 9 compatibility (r10048, r10049, r10052, r10056:10061, r10064, r10065)
    153   * Improved Bug reports (r10055, r10062, r10063, r10067, r10138, r10158, r10163 thanks to michael2402 for providing this and other patches)
    154   * New nicer map slider (r10078)
    155 * minor enhancements
    156   * [[TaggingPresets|Presets]]/[[Styles|Map styles]]/[[Help/Dialog/Validator|Validator]]:
    157    * add/improve/fix: warning for too large buildings (r9985), Warn about `note=fixme|Fixme|FIXME` (r10004), `leisure=bird_hide` (r10005), display `name` and `ref` at `highway=motorway_junction` (r10015), replace `exit_to` by `destination` and `destination:ref` (r10017), `wetland=wet_meadow,string_bog,saltern` (r10022), validator warning for pois connected to a highway (r10026, r10030, r10037, r10071 thanks to naoliv for providing this and other patches), deprecate `type=noise_barrier` in favor of `wall=noise_barrier`, validator warning for connecting nodes between power lines and non-related features (r10028), public transport validation (r10036), remove `smoothness` warning for `amenity=bicycle_parking` (r10068), disable long segment validator warning for ferry ways (r10080), address interpolation validation (r10084), add `route=horse` (r10086, r10090), display rails with `service=spur|yard|siding|crossover` with shorter dashes (r10091), change `access=public` to `access=yes` in presets (r10094), deprecate `amenity=public_building` add `building=public` (r10095, r10096), change `vending=news_papers` to `=newspapers` and `=SIM-cards` to `=SIM_cards` (r10100), display `waterway=*` and `natural=water` with `intermittent=yes` as dashed line (r10110), add a preset link to the "Building" Preset to some amenities/leisures (r10111), add operator to recycling container preset (r10119), remove icon for `highway=incline` and `highway=incline_steep` (r10120), add `height` to waterfall preset (r10128), Validate that stop position lies on public transport route (r10141), sport warning (r10146)
    158   * Make filled area of validation layer transparent (r10009)
    159   * Sort members of new multipolygons (r10010)
    160   * Increase display time for styles and presets tooltips (r10024)
    161   * Ability to copy coordinates from History dialog (r10053)
    162   * Include root certificates to support TLS connections to servers signed by StartSSL and Let's Encrypt (r9995, r10083)
    163   * Allow shorter changeset comments before showing a warning message when comment contains Chinese characters (r10097)
    164   * 128 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=10168&stop_rev=9980&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.04]
    166 == 2016-03-13: Stable release r9979 (hotfix)
    167 * major enhancements
    168   * (final) fix unexpected reversions of modified objects by downloading area again (r9979)
    169 * medium enhancements
    170   * drop XML mappaint support (r9965)
    171 * minor enhancements
    172    * 14 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=9979&stop_rev=9964&limit=900 SVN log messages]
    174 == 2016-03-11: Stable release r9963 (hotfix)
    175 * major enhancements
    176   * fix OAuth-Problems (r9904, r9913, r9960)
    177   * (incomplete) fix unexpected reversions of modified objects by downloading area again (r9961)
    178 * medium enhancements
    179   * Orthogonalize objects based on selected nodes (r9925, r9928)
    180   * Allow to ignore keys/tags from recent tags (r9940)
    181 * minor enhancements
    182   * [[TaggingPresets|Presets]]/[[Styles|Map styles]]/[[Help/Dialog/Validator|Validator]]:
    183    * add/improve/fix/remove: `substation` validation (r9903), group similar validation results (r9921, r9922), public transport route member validation (r9931:9933, r9936:9938)
    184   * Compute multipolygon area (r9950:9952)
    185   * 45 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=9963&stop_rev=9900&limit=900 SVN log messages]
    187 == 2016-02-28: Stable release r9900 ([milestone:"16.02" 16.02]) == #stable-release-16.02
    188 * major enhancements
    189   * Drag and Drop support for relation editor (r9368, r9369, r9379, r9388, r9711, r9891)
    190   * History dialog: show old and new coordinate on map (r9441, r9453, r9483)
    191   * Extended projection support (#12186, r9333, r9346, r9419, r9431, r9532, r9549, r9558:9560, r9565, r9567, r9568, r9577:9581, r9597, r9598, r9600, r9608, r9609, r9612, r9630, r9636, r9735, r9790, r9796, r9806, r9809, r9844)
    192   * New button to refresh relation in relation editor (r9657, r9665, r9666, r9669); thanks to kolesar for providing this and a lot other nice patches!
    193   * Automatic snap zoom to default resolution of background (r9818, r9820, r9825, r9830, r9840)
    194 * medium enhancements
    195   * Mappaint: Selected nodes are now bigger and filled (r9451)
    196   * Remember user input when upload dialog is closed (r9462)
    197   * Preset dialog: display the related key in a tooltip (r9360, r9467)
    198   * New arrow on edit relation button lists recent relations (r9668, r9700, r9705, r9722)
    199   * Imagery related improvements (r9340, r9391, r9396, r9414, r9610, r9613, r9617, r9619, r9620, r9628, r9642, r9664, r9682, r9731, r9755, r9756, r9768, r9807, r9826, r9860, r9864, r9887:9889, r9897, r9899)
    200 * minor enhancements
    201   * [[TaggingPresets|Presets]]/[[Styles|Map styles]]/[[Help/Dialog/Validator|Validator]]:
    202    * add/improve/fix/remove: `denomination=spiritist` (r9361, r9729), `barrier=jersey_barrier` (r9362), `amenity=studio` (r9363, r9418), `trees` (r9364, r9393), `location` (r9367), "highway link is not linked" test (r9381, r9397), tag checker auto-fixing (r9382), destination in roundabouts (r9386), `building=*` (r9392), `traffic_sign=countrycode:signcode` (r9415), `shop=tobacco` (r9420), `seasonal=yes` (r9425), `power=portal,insulator` and `building=transformer_tower` (r9433), `power=cable_distribution_cabinet` (r9434), `natural=cliff` (r9456), `power=*` (r9494, r9495, r9500, r9895), emergency group and new items `emergency=ambulance_station,fire_hose,water_tank,emergency=assembly_point,siren` (r9523), `waterway=canal,ditch,wadi` (r9538, r9552), Validate correct traffic flow at roundabouts (r9540), unnecessary `motor_vehicle=yes` warning (r9541), `shop=cosmetics,perfumery` (r9550), `sport=*` (r9561), `cycleway:left/right=shared_lane` (r9566), `man_made=crane` (r9589), `amenity=swimming_pool` (r9593), `golf` (icons by tumsi)(r9640, r9641, r9650, r9654), `location:transition=yes` (r9643), `amenity=ice_cream` (r9651), `amenity=water_point` (r9651), `cuisine` (r9652), `craft` (r9681, r9892), `office` area style (r9681), `leisure=swimming_pool` (r9690), `shop=houseware` (r9718), `incline` (r9723), `traffic_calming ` (r9724), `man_made=silo` (r9725), `maxheight=default|none` (r9736), `building:levels` (r9737), multiple spaces in tag values (r9744), `leisure=park` (r9745), keys ending with a number (r9747, r9836), `usage` (r9794), "style for outer way mismatches polygon" warning (r9834), `sport=ice_skating``sport=roller_skating` (r9835), "lit on suspicious object" warning (r9837), missing/wrong `railway=crossing|level_crossing` validator warning (r9839), validate size of islands/islets (r9843), `leisure=fitness_station` (r9851), `route=foot` (r9852), Group opening hours tests  (r9886), `xxxx` (r99), deprecated tags validator warnings (r9551), multipolygon validation (r9553, r9582:9584, r9900), untagged nodes outside of downloaded area (r9604), allow closedway for some more highway presets (r9554), deprecate some tags (r9435)
    203    * New icons for whole power group, water items and waypoint items; thanks to zermes for providing the new icons! (r9423, r9506, r9513, r9550)
    204   * Move "Search menu items" to Help menu (r9347, r9389, r9390, r9410)
    205   * MapCSS: basic support for `:selected` pseudoclass (r9341)
    206   * MapCSS: character classes in regexp: `\p{...}` (r9857)
    207   * New preset type "multipolygon" (r9574, r9587, r9588, r9615, r9632, r9638)
    208   * Show notification about relations when unglueing (r9387)
    209   * Conflict Dialog: add user and changeset (r9468)
    210   * Conflict resolution: add actions "Resolve to my/their versions" in popup menu (only in expert mode) (r9440, r9452, r9482)
    211   * History Dialog: indicate the number of changeset comments (r9526)
    212   * History Dialog: only color code the changed part (r9450)
    213   * Allow to stop downloading GPS data and keep the downloaded part (r9509)
    214   * Upload dialog: allow select another user open changeset (r9519)
    215   * Changeset manager: allow to download objects from a changeset (r9521)
    216   * Default filename when saving layer (r9670)
    217   * OAuth improvements (r9350, r9352, r9355, r9356, r9374)
    218   * Improvements to dialog to set number of recently added tags (r9683)
    219   * Options to updated and hide items from list of recently added tags (r9743)
    220   * Improvements to Gpx/image correlation (r9726, r9727, r9739:9742)
    221   * Fix sorting when copying/pasting relation members (r9710)
    222   * Extend Save Layers dialog for more layer types; thanks to holgermappt for providing this patch! (r9751)
    223   * Advanced preferences: display default entries consistently (r9821)
    224   * Option to reverse zoom with mouse wheel (r9824)
    225   * Press Tab only once to jump from upload comment field to source field (r9463)
    226   * Choose color with double-click in color preferences (r9686)
    227   * Allow copying note text from toggle dialog (r9858)
    228   * Allow to increase decimal places in statusbar (r9862, r9863, r9885)
    229   * More tests for validity of Styles and Presets at [ Jenkins]. Check for errors if you make changes to your styles/presets, which are integrated in JOSM. (r9400)
    230   * [wiki:ImageryCompare Comparison] between ​​GitHub project Editor Imagery Index and JOSM imagery lists (r9340, r9505, r9515, r9516, r9518, r9653, r9658, r9662)
    231   * 362 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=9900&stop_rev=9330&limit=900 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.02]
    233 == 2016-01-06: Stable release r9329 ([milestone:"16.01" 16.01]) == #stable-release-16.01
    234 * major enhancements
    235   * Fix memory leak from previous tested version (r9298)
    236 * medium enhancements
    237   * Unglue: ask the user about tags/membership (r9292, r9315)
    238 * minor enhancements
    239   * [[TaggingPresets|Presets]]/[[Styles|Map styles]]/[[Help/Dialog/Validator|Validator]]:
    240    * add/improve/fix: `social_facility` (r9285), `diaper` (r9287), `maxspeed:hgv` (r9288), `culvert` (r9294), `entrance=staircase` (r9302), `tourism=wilderness_hut` (r9302), tourism fill color (r9302), turn restriction validation (r9236, r9244), power validation (r9321)
    241    * New icons for whole health group, whole railway group and whole minor ways group; big thanks to zermes for providing the new icons! (r9286, r9306, r9307)
    242   * Improve display of icons (increase svg icons, square toolbar buttons) (r9251:9253, r9275, r9281)
    243   * Obtain icons from presets for nodes/relations in selection/relation list/editor (r9265)
    244   * Improve gpx speed coloring (r9234)
    245   * Change default color of waypoints and GPS tracks to magenta (r9248)
    246   * Relation list: re-filter after zooming (r9264)
    247   * Fix preference file backup system (r9311, r9312)
    248   * Small OAuth adjustments (r9300, r9301, r9313)
    249   * Possibility to download from mirror with all download action (r9241, r9242)
    250   * 71 more minor bug fixes, enhancements, stability improvements, code improvements and code documentation, see [/log/josm/?rev=9329&stop_rev=9230&limit=300 SVN log messages of Milestone 16.01]
    252 == Older stable releases
    253   * [[Changelog/2015]]: Releases from r7907 to r9229
    254   * [[Changelog/2014]]: Releases from r6763 to r7906
    255   * [[Changelog/2013]]: Releases from r5697 to r6502
    256   * [[Changelog/2012]]: Releases from r4878 to r5608
    258 == See also
    259 * JOSM related changes in the [ osm svn]
    260 * There is a similar [[Plugin changelog|changelog for plugins]], which is no longer updated.
     34== See also ==
     35* There is a similar [[wikitr:/Plugin changelog|changelog for plugins]], which is no longer updated.