
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#7449 closed enhancement (fixed)

Support shortcut schemas

Reported by: akks Owned by: akks
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: shortcuts Cc: stoecker


After normalizing shortcuts we have some free keys and some little disappointed advanced users :)
I propose to add shortcut schema support to JOSM (like NetBens, VisualStudio, etc.) so every heavy mapper can change shortcuts and save them to some file (to load later when he need it).

Here is a patch (alpha-version with some problems), so everyone can help improving its design and logic.

Attachments (1)

shortcutSchemas.patch (10.1 KB ) - added by akks 13 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

by akks, 13 years ago

Attachment: shortcutSchemas.patch added

comment:1 by akks, 13 years ago

Summary: [alpha PATCH] Supprort shortcut schemas[alpha PATCH] Support shortcut schemas

comment:2 by akks, 13 years ago

@stoecker: Do you think this should be finished before tested release (to give users ability to create customization files after shortuts remapping)?

comment:3 by akks, 13 years ago

Cc: stoecker added
Version: latest

comment:4 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Actually I don't like this at all. Usually only a few hardcore users complain, but majority of users uses only few shortcuts. Adding a feature like this prevents stabilization of the situation. Result will probably be forum entries like "Download this file to get proper shortcuts" and newbies will assume this is really a good idea and do so. And then again we have different sets of shortcuts and no improvement over the situation in the past.

With the current preferences the hardcore users can change their settings, but wont affect any others.

comment:5 by akks, 13 years ago

It can be really convenient to have different mappings for different situations (working with country-specific cadastre, etc.).
Now you can not even transfer your shortcuts conveniently to different computer (copy-paste fragments of preferences.xml?)

Maybe we should skip this release to stimulate working with default shortcuts, but the feature is useful in principle, I think (maybe invisible for non-experts).

Last edited 13 years ago by akks (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by skyper, 13 years ago

Replying to akks:

It can be really convenient to have different mappings for different situations (working with country-specific cadastre, etc.).

I use different preferences diretories for different situtations. You probably do not just want different key mappings but also different plugins and other settings. This way you can just create a start file for every situation.

It is even possible to use the same cache by setting the path in preferences.xml

Now you can not even transfer your shortcuts conveniently to different computer (copy-paste fragments of preferences.xml?)

I had no problems with my preferences directory on an usb pen drive. Tested with Debian and Ubuntu and josm.jars from homepage.

comment:7 by anonymous, 13 years ago

Why does Netbeans and other IDEs have this feature? Maybe they are too big to copy)

in reply to:  5 comment:8 by stoecker, 13 years ago

Replying to akks:

It can be really convenient to have different mappings for different situations (working with country-specific cadastre, etc.).
Now you can not even transfer your shortcuts conveniently to different computer (copy-paste fragments of preferences.xml?)

This is true for a lot of other settings as well. There is already a ticket ##4421 for a regedit-like interface, which allows to load partial configuration sets. If you want to implement this, go on. :-) The file should use JOSM's XML preference format and not a CSV.

Maybe we should skip this release to stimulate working with default shortcuts, but the feature is useful in principle, I think (maybe invisible for non-experts).

This would be a simple extension to system of #4421 by defining a "shortcut" subset of preference-keys to export.

comment:9 by akks, 13 years ago

This (#4421) looks really good. I almost started to implement remote-control operations for preferences modification...

I feel I can implement it. But then we will add separate button on shortcuts panel for this, OK? :)

Version 0, edited 13 years ago by akks (next)

comment:10 by simon04, 13 years ago

Just to clarify the status of this ticket: This is a wontfix?

comment:11 by akks, 13 years ago

This will be supported by #4421 configuration files and API.

Do we need buttons save/load buttons, selection combobox or context menus in shortcut preferences - should be discussed.

comment:12 by stoecker, 12 years ago

Summary: [alpha PATCH] Support shortcut schemasSupport shortcut schemas

comment:13 by akks, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 6022/josm:

fix #7449: initial support for shortcut/color/toolbar/imagery profiles (see Advanced preferences - More)

comment:14 by akks, 12 years ago

I reimplemented this in Advanced preference tab: (together with other preference groups saving).
Non-expert users should better use defaults :)

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