
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#6282 closed defect (fixed)

subwindow:mappaint and tools:mergeselection conflict over Shift+M shortcut

Reported by: rickmastfan67 Owned by: team
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by xeen)

Noticed this today after I loaded some data into JOSM and then looked back at the Java CL here in Windows. The michigan_left plugin forces the Map Paint shortcut to change. Here's the info line from the CL:

Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:mappaint' moved by 'tools:michigan_left' to 'Alt+D'.

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comment:1 by rickmastfan67, 14 years ago

Note: While doing some testing on this and just running the michigan_left plugin by itself, if first tries to assign subwindow:mappaint 'Alt+M'. But, if you also have the measurement plugin active, that plugin uses the 'Alt+M', thus forcing it to use the 'Alt+D' shortcut as you see in the original post.

comment:2 by stoecker, 14 years ago

Component: PluginPlugin michigan_left
Owner: changed from team to Nakor

comment:3 by Nakor, 14 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

The shortcut for the Michigan Left plugin is Alt-Shit-M and have always been:

tr("Michigan Left")), KeyEvent.VK_M, Shortcut.GROUP_EDIT,


I do not see any conflict in 4054: Michigan left has Alt+Shit+M

I also installed the measurement plugin but the shortcut is still Alt+Shift+M

My guess is you have another plugin that is taking Alt+Shit+M over from Michigan Left.

Version 0, edited 14 years ago by Nakor (next)

comment:4 by rickmastfan67, 14 years ago

Alright, you guys might want to take a good look @ #6245 then. In comment 3 of that report, you can see a perfect storm happening with shortcut conflicts. It was the cause of this one. So, it should be checked out.

comment:5 by rickmastfan67, 14 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened

I just did some more testing and the Michigan Left plugin does indeed have a conflict with the core JOSM shortcuts.

I just deactivated all of my plugins EXCEPT michigan_left. When I restarted JOSM via the CL, no conflict was detected. HOWEVER, once I loaded some data into JOSM (doesn't matter what size the data is, anything will work), a conflict then shows up.

Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:mappaint' moved by 'tools:michigan_left' to 'Alt+M'.

So, it seems that when the mappaint was introduced, it was also given the "Alt+Shift+M" command, thus, creating this conflict.

This can be verified with ease in the latest JOSM (r4071) or even in r4054 that you say you're running Nakor.

Nakor, if you think the JOSM people should fix their shortcut, feel free to change the component of this report. But please don't close it till this is fixed one way or another, via your plugin, or the JOSM core.

comment:6 by Nakor, 14 years ago

Component: Plugin michigan_leftCore
Owner: Nakor removed
Status: reopenednew
Summary: Plugin michigan_left has a shorcut conflict with JOSM core shortcutsubwindow:mappaint and tools:mergeselection conflict over Shift+M shortcut

If I look in the core code subwindow:mappaint is supposed to have Shift+M and this conflicts with tools:mergeselection. So my guess is one of those shortcuts should be changed in core.

Last edited 14 years ago by Nakor (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by rickmastfan67, 14 years ago

Owner: set to team

in reply to:  6 comment:8 by rickmastfan67, 14 years ago

Replying to Nakor:

If I look in the core code subwindow:mappaint is supposed to have Shift+M and this conflicts with tools:mergeselection. So my guess is one of those shortcuts should be changed in core.

Nakor, Did you know that the "Mirror" also uses "Shift+M"? Just noticed it today. So, it seems that 3 items in the core fight over the "Shift+M" shortcut. It's just not mentioned in the CL. r4216

comment:9 by nakor.osm@…, 14 years ago

Michigan Left I using ALT+SHIFT+M which I choose because it was free when I implemented the plugin. Once again, my guess is that you have another plugin that is taking Alt+Shit+M over from Michigan Left and in turn Michigan Left displaces some other plugin.

in reply to:  9 comment:10 by rickmastfan67, 14 years ago

Replying to nakor.osm@…:

Michigan Left I using ALT+SHIFT+M which I choose because it was free when I implemented the plugin. Once again, my guess is that you have another plugin that is taking Alt+Shit+M over from Michigan Left and in turn Michigan Left displaces some other plugin.

Nakor, when I run JOSM (r4216) with *NO* plugins installed, here's what shortcuts "Mirror", "subwindow:mappaint", and "tools:mergeselection" use:
Mirror (found in "Tools"): Shift+M
Merge Selection: Ctrl+Shift+M
subwindow:mappaint: Alt+Shift+M

When I then "re-install" just the Michigan Left plugin (and no others), the following line comes up in the CL once I have downloaded some data:

Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:mappaint' moved by 'tools:michigan_left' to 'Alt+M'.

And the "Mirror" and "Merge Selection" shortcuts don't get changed at all.

And then when I have the "Measure" plugin installed, I get the following (once data is downloaded) since the Measure window's trigger is "Alt+M":

Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:mappaint' moved by 'tools:michigan_left' to 'Alt+D'.

Still, if we can get the core shortcut conflict that 'subwindow:mappaint' has with the Michigan Left plugin dealt with, I think there will no longer be any problems with shortcuts being changed all the time.

comment:11 by Nakor, 14 years ago

Well, Michigan Left is a very specific plugin that I developed for Michigan left turn restriction. I doubt that many people use it. The solutions I can see:

  • do not install it if you do not use it
  • move subwindow:mappaint shortcut to something that does not conflict
  • move Michigan Left shortcut to something that does not conflict

ATM I do not have the time nor will to do it. If someone else wants to do it I am fine.

comment:12 by xeen, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

I’ll mark this as fixed, given the many nice fixes checked in recently. You can see a list of shortcuts here:

comment:13 by xeen, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

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