Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Ticket #4421, comment 35

2012-03-06T12:51:01+01:00 (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #4421, comment 35

    v7 v8  
    88We have no JS engine in JOSM currently and it will be not me who can add and maintain it :) (there is working Scripting plugin, by the way)
    10 XPath is also not so well-known for writers of configuration files :). I cannot include support for advanced XML processing now, because XML-fragments with preferences are parsed by Preferences class and then all modifications are done for Java objects, not XML. Only some preprocessor can be called (like XSLT for whole preferences.xml or matching tags), but it can not help in complex cases.
     10XPath is also not so well-known for writers of configuration files :). I cannot include support for advanced XML processing now, because XML-fragments with preferences are parsed by Preferences class and then all modifications are done for Java objects, not XML. Only some preprocessor can be called (like XSLT for whole preferences.xml or matching tags - say if it is needed), but it can not help in complex cases.
    1212So I tried to make a simple copy-paste-style language with limited number of commands (for partial import/export, not for scripting -  I started from shortcut schemas), which I can document and support. "<if>" and var were introduced only to ask "which style dou you prefer?" and similar questions.