Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #4421, comment 13

2012-02-28T16:34:57+01:00 (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #4421, comment 13

    v3 v4  
    55- If we want to '''append''' additional maps to the default, we must take this default value into account. If it is in defaults, collectionDefaults, etc. (not null), we can use it. If there is null there - we have a problem :)
    66- There is no "default" problem for '''replace''' and for single value properties.
    7 - One possible solution is to ask user call needed function and then repeat the attempt.
     7- One possible (and more simple) solution is to ask user to call needed software function and then repeat the attempt.
    88- Another solution is to remember "maps = [possibly unknown default] + [specified maps]" in preferences XML, so user will get correct preferences after restart. Flag should be added (and stored in XML) and all preferences retrieving function need to be modified in
     9I do not think I can make proper modification of Preference lists/maps/list getter functions - they are too complex and have some "workarounds to remove in 2012".
    911- Deletion by key does not have "default" problem - default value will be used for deleted key after restart.
    1012- Deletion by list/map values or pattern cause '''biggest''' "default" problems if some part of default values need to be deleted. Remembering preferences (or even patterns) "that should be deleted when they appear" is, hmmm... a very strange thing :) Do we really need such deletion?