
Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#18729 closed enhancement (fixed)

support regional taginfo instances from Geofabrik

Reported by: Don-vip Owned by: Don-vip
Priority: normal Milestone: 20.02
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: taginfo geofabrik Cc: framm, Frederik

Description (last modified by simon04)

Follow-up of #


Frederik just made a new version of GeoFabrik json index:

It contains links to their regional Taginfo instances with ISO3166 ids so that we can map them with our internal boundaries.

I've set up a remote link on JOSM website:

Geofabrik provides regional taginfo instances for all their extracts.

During the February 2020 hack week-end I worked with Frederik to provide an index matching our needs:

Now we need only to parse this index and provide links in the UI.

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Change History (18)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 15876/josm:

fix #18729, see #18302 - support regional taginfo instances from Geofabrik

comment:2 by simon04, 5 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by simon04, 5 years ago

Out of the 417 entries, 192 entries cannot be used since they do not specify a ISO3166 code. Some of them are aggregated regions such as the DACH region, the Alps or Europe, some of them are sub-regions/states. Maybe none of them is strictly needed, however, statistics on the aggregated regions might be of interest?

comment:4 by simon04, 5 years ago

In 15908/josm:

see #18729 - TaginfoRegionalInstance: use Stream API

in reply to:  3 comment:5 by Don-vip, 5 years ago

Replying to simon04:
These entries exist in JOSM dataset. Frederik, can you please add following ISO codes?

/africa/canary-islands/            ISO3166-1:alpha2=IC / ISO3166-2=ES-CN
/africa/comores/                   ISO3166-1:alpha2=KM
/central-america/bahamas/          ISO3166-1:alpha2=BS
/central-america/belize/           ISO3166-1:alpha2=BZ
/central-america/cuba/             ISO3166-1:alpha2=CU
/central-america/haiti-and-domrep/ ISO3166-1:alpha2=HT,DO
/central-america/jamaica/          ISO3166-1:alpha2=JM
/europe/france/guadeloupe/         ISO3166-1:alpha2=GP / ISO3166-2=FR-GP
/europe/france/martinique/         ISO3166-1:alpha2=MQ / ISO3166-2=FR-MQ
/europe/france/mayotte/            ISO3166-1:alpha2=YT / ISO3166-2=FR-YT
/europe/france/reunion/            ISO3166-1:alpha2=RE / ISO3166-2=FR-RE
/europe/isle-of-man/               ISO3166-1:alpha2=IM
/russia/kaliningrad/               ISO3166-2=RU-KGD

comment:6 by simon04, 5 years ago

In 15913/josm:

fix #18754, see #18729 - TaginfoRegionalInstance: fix deadlock

comment:7 by Frederik, 5 years ago

Added the missing codes. @simon04 combined regions will currently only carry an ISO code if they are the smallest region to contain the country like in the "haiti-and-domrep" example. I think adding DE,AT,CH to the "dach" extract would be confusing?

comment:8 by stoecker, 5 years ago

See #18772 - currently geofabrik serves a broken JSON file.

comment:9 by Frederik, 5 years ago


comment:10 by simon04, 5 years ago

Cc: Frederik added
Description: modified (diff)

Frederik, the file ​ is broken again.

comment:11 by simon04, 5 years ago

Frederik, the file is broken again.

comment:12 by simon04, 5 years ago

In 16196/josm:

see #18729, see 18772 - Add TerritoriesTestIT

comment:13 by anonymous, 5 years ago

Really sorry. I am not sure why this happens occasionally but have now modified the script so that it at least detects the "invalid json" situation and keeps yesterday's file then...

comment:15 by Don-vip, 5 years ago

Probably something needs to be done in PluginHandlerTestIT to make sure all plugins are unloaded at the end.

comment:16 by simon04, 5 years ago

In 16272/josm:

see #18729 - Do not initialize external territories data for unit tests

comment:17 by Klumbumbus, 5 years ago

TerritoriesTestIT still fails on Jenkins.

comment:18 by taylor.smock, 5 years ago

There is an NPE if Territories.getRegionalTaginfoUrls is called during a test (it isn't called directly by my test code -- I'm using DataSet.setSelected).

I'll post some fixes for that. Not great fixes, but they'll avoid an NPE in tests.

Version 0, edited 5 years ago by taylor.smock (next)

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