Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#17936 closed defect

Validation of opening hours with PH and SH not possible — at Version 1

Reported by: SlowMo24 Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 20.02
Component: Core validator Version:
Keywords: opening_hours javascript SH/PH Cc: ypid23

Description (last modified by SlowMo24)

This is a follow up of #17932 . Fixing that error lead me to this one.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. add tag 'opening_hours=PH off' to any object
  2. klick validate

What is the expected result?

Show a warning that this opening_hours-rule is useless.

What happens instead?

nothin in the gui but a ScriptException in the console.

Source of evil:

tl;dr -> opening_hours.js is outdated OR date of evaluation should be fixed

The offical opening_hours.js (now index.js) from has moved foreward quite a bit but no release has been made since v3.5.0 in feb. 2017. Therefore it is fair eignough for JOSM to stick with the old version.
But the testing of the PH and SH grammar requires opening_hours.js to know the dates of holydays in Bavaria (that is the testdummy). This should not be required (because it is only useful when displaying the result of the evaluation) but it does because JOSM does not use a customized opening_hours.js (there is no need but it might have advantages).
Now here is the point: The outdated opening_hours.js only provides holidays for Bavaria up until 2017. Therefore an error occusers when the test requests the dates for now() (2019).

Possible solutions:

  • add Public Holydays for Bavaria for the next years but this will only buy us time


  • inject a fixed date at wich the evaluation takes place to e.g. 2015

even better but problem of maintenance:

  • reduce the unnecessary js-code (create a custom js) to only evaluate the grammar and not calculate the actual result so it does not need to know about SH


Although I have tried to investigate this issue as good as possible, I did not understand all code. Therefore the above information may be wrong. This is also why I cannot provide a coded solution, sorry.
PS: while we are at it, please autoformat opening_hours.js, it is unreadable in its current state.

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

Relative:URL: ^/trunk
Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2019-07-10 00:52:47 +0200 (Wed, 10 Jul 2019)
Build-Date:2019-07-10 01:30:51

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (15238 de) Linux Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Memory Usage: 449 MB / 4006 MB (200 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 11.0.3+7-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.1, Oracle Corporation, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Screen: :0.0 1920x1080, :0.1 1280x1024
Maximum Screen Size: 1920x1080
Java package: openjdk-11-jre:amd64-11.0.3+7-1ubuntu2~18.04.1
Java ATK Wrapper package: libatk-wrapper-java:all-0.33.3-20ubuntu0.1
libcommons-logging-java: libcommons-logging-java:all-1.2-2
fonts-noto: fonts-noto:-
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

+ FastDraw (34977)
+ OpeningHoursEditor (34977)
+ buildings_tools (34982)
+ pt_assistant (705)
+ wikipedia (v1.1.1)

Map paint styles:

Last errors/warnings:
- W: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- E: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- W: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- E: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- W: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- E: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- W: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- E: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- W: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined
- E: javax.script.ScriptException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined in <eval> at line number 44. Ursache: jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAException: ReferenceError: "console" is not defined

Change History (1)

comment:1 by SlowMo24, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)


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