Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #17356

2019-02-19T08:31:02+01:00 (6 years ago)


  • Ticket #17356

    • Property Keywords inactive added
  • Ticket #17356 – Description

    initial v1  
    11The Edit layer is equal to the active layer when that is an OSM data layer.  The Edit layer harbours the Selection.
    3 If a non-data layer is activated all visual feedback, the zoom behaviour and else leads the user away from the Edit layer.  But the Edit layer may have selected objects which can be changed with geometric actions like Orthogonalise Shape **`Q`**. Downloaded data is placed on the Edit layer and may destroy some edits.  This overall behaviour is perhaps necessary, see #12863 and source:/trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/ and not the focus of this feature request.
     3If a non-data layer is activated all visual feedback, the zoom behaviour and else leads the user away from the Edit layer.  But the Edit layer may have selected objects which can be changed with geometric actions like Orthogonalise Shape **`Q`**. Downloaded data is placed on the Edit layer and may destroy some edits.  This behaviour is not the focus of this request as it may be necessary, see #12863 and source:/trunk/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/layer/
    5 But the user needs to know which data layer the Edit layer is. Currently this is only shown in the Title bar of the Relation Editor and is missing in the main GUI. The layer panel should show this.
     5But the user needs to know which data layer the Edit layer is. Currently this information is missing in the main GUI. The layer panel should show this.
    7 The tickets #6215 should be closed because of the new code written since then.
     7See also
     8* #6518 actions on inactive
     9* #17196 Undo on inactive
     10* Name of Edit Layer in title bar of the Relation editor. From within the RE select actions are only possible on the Active layer.