3 | | * a.aerial.openstreetmap.org.za [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:South Africa CD:NGI Aerial |
4 | | * a.imagery.paulnorman.ca [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:British Columbia Mosaic # MAP:Niger Delta Oct 2012 Landsat |
5 | | * a.tile.openstreetmap.us [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:TIGER Roads 2012 # MAP:USGS Large Scale Imagery |
6 | | * adam.openstreetmap.hu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd ortofotó 2017 # MAP:openstreetmap.hu orthophotosopenstreetmap.hu ortofotók |
7 | | * b.aerial.openstreetmap.org.za [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:South Africa CD:NGI Aerial |
8 | | * b.imagery.paulnorman.ca [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:British Columbia Mosaic # MAP:Niger Delta Oct 2012 Landsat |
9 | | * b.tile.openstreetmap.us [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:TIGER Roads 2012 # MAP:USGS Large Scale Imagery |
10 | | * c.aerial.openstreetmap.org.za [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:South Africa CD:NGI Aerial |
11 | | * c.imagery.paulnorman.ca [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:British Columbia Mosaic # MAP:Niger Delta Oct 2012 Landsat |
12 | | * c.tile.openstreetmap.us [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:TIGER Roads 2012 # MAP:USGS Large Scale Imagery |
13 | | * carto.lausanne.ch [301 Moved Permanently]: MAP:Lausanne - Orthophoto technique 2012 |
14 | | * d.imagery.paulnorman.ca [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:British Columbia Mosaic # MAP:Niger Delta Oct 2012 Landsat |
15 | | * data.loire-atlantique.fr [Error Keine Route zum Zielrechner] :MAP:Loire-Atlantique - Orthophotos 2012 - 20 cm |
16 | | * data.rio [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Rio Mosaic 2013 # MAP:Rio Mosaic 2015 |
17 | | * ~~e-mapa.net [200 OK]: MAP:polska.e-mapa.net: Buildings |
18 | | * e-odgik.chorzow.eu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Chorzów: Buildings |
19 | | * e.tile.openstreetmap.hu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Danube flood orthophoto 2013Dunai árvízi ortofotó 2013 # MAP:FÖMI orthophoto 2000FÖMI ortofotó 2000 # MAP:FÖMI orthophoto 2005FÖMI ortofotó 2005 # MAP:Szeged orthophoto 2011Szeged ortofotó 2011 |
20 | | * eagri.cz [302 Found]: MAP:Czech pLPIS |
21 | | * egp.gu.gov.si [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:GURS: Building outlinesGURS: Tlorisi zgradb # MAP:GURS: DOF050 Ortofoto, DTK5... (WMTS) # MAP:GURS: Road linesGURS: Osi cest |
22 | | * fototerkep.hu [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Danube flood orthophoto 2013Dunai árvízi ortofotó 2013 # MAP:Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd orthophoto 2017Sóskút, Pusztazámor, Tárnok, Diósd ortofotó 2017 |
23 | | * ~~ge.ch [302 Found]: MAP:Canton de Génève 5cm (SITG 2011) |
24 | | * geo-baninfo.trafikverket.se [403 Forbidden ( The server denied the specified Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Contact the server administrator. )]: MAP:Trafikverket Railway Network (overlay)Trafikverket Järnväg (lag)Trafikverket Jernbane (lag) # MAP:Trafikverket Railway Network options (overlay)Trafikverket Järnväg val (lag)Trafikverket Jernbane valg (lag) |
25 | | * geo.rio.rj.gov.br [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Rio Mosaic 2013 |
26 | | * geoimage.at [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Geoimage.at MaxRes |
27 | | * geolittoral.application.developpement-durable.gouv.fr [Error Die Verbindung wurde vom Kommunikationspartner zurückgesetzt] :MAP:Géolittoral - Orthophotos 2000 # MAP:Géolittoral - Sentiers # MAP:Géolittoral V2 - Orthophotos 2011-2014 |
28 | | * geoportal.czestochowa.um.gov.pl [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Częstochowa: Buildings # MAP:Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2011 (aerial image) # MAP:Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2013 (aerial image) # MAP:Częstochowa: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) |
29 | | * geoserver.dados.al.gov.br:8080 [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Branquinha AL |
30 | | * geoservicos.ibge.gov.br [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:IBGE-BC250 Highways stretchesIBGE-BC250-Trecho Rodoviario # MAP:IBGE-BC250 Indigenous LandsIBGE-BC250-Terra Indigena # MAP:IBGE-BC250 Landing stripIBGE-BC250-Pista de Pouso # MAP:IBGE-BC250 Units of Sustainable Use - APAIBGE-BC250-Unidade de Uso Sistentável - APA # MAP:IBGE-BC250 VillagesIBGE-BC250-Villa |
31 | | * ~~gis.mapa.lodz.pl [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Łódź: Buildings # MAP:Łódź: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) |
32 | | * gis1.um.wroc.pl [403 Forbidden]: MAP:Wrocław: Orthophotomap 2015 (aerial image) |
33 | | * giswa1.mag.mepnet.cz [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Praha IPR latest orthophoto # MAP:Praha IPR low-vegetation orthophoto |
34 | | * github.com [200 OK]: PLUGIN:osm-obj-info.jar |
35 | | * h.tile.openstreetmap.hu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes)OpenStreetMap (turistautak) |
36 | | * ~~hikebikemap.org [200 OK]: MAP:Hike & Bike |
37 | | * i.tile.openstreetmap.hu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes)OpenStreetMap (turistautak) |
38 | | * imagery.paulnorman.ca [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:British Columbia Mosaic |
39 | | * imagico.de [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:imagico.de: Adams Bridge # MAP:imagico.de: Alaska Range # MAP:imagico.de: Aral Sea (high water level) # MAP:imagico.de: Aral Sea (low water level) # MAP:imagico.de: Bahía Blanca (high tide)imagico.de OSM imágenes para mapear: Bahía Blanca (marea alta) # MAP:imagico.de: Bahía Blanca (low tide)imagico.de OSM imágenes para mapear: Bahía Blanca (marea baja) # MAP:imagico.de: Bakun Reservoir # MAP:imagico.de: Batam # MAP:imagico.de: Bogoslof Island # MAP:imagico.de: Bouvet Island # MAP:imagico.de: Bunger Hills # MAP:imagico.de: Central Alps in late September 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Clerke Rocks # MAP:imagico.de: Cook Inlet # MAP:imagico.de: Coropuna # MAP:imagico.de: Cotonou # MAP:imagico.de: Darwin and Wolf islands, Galapagos # MAP:imagico.de: Eastern Devon Island coast # MAP:imagico.de: Eastern Iceland # MAP:imagico.de: El Altar # MAP:imagico.de: Elephant Island/Clarence Island # MAP:imagico.de: Enderby Land and Kemp Coast # MAP:imagico.de: Fogo, Cape Verde # MAP:imagico.de: Greenland mosaic # MAP:imagico.de: Heard Island coast # MAP:imagico.de: Isla Londonderry # MAP:imagico.de: Kangerlussuaq Autumn # MAP:imagico.de: Kangerlussuaq Spring # MAP:imagico.de: Kerch Strait # MAP:imagico.de: Landsat off-nadir July 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Larsen C ice shelf after calving # MAP:imagico.de: Leskov Island ASTER # MAP:imagico.de: Leskov Island Landsat # MAP:imagico.de: May 2013 off-nadir Landsat # MAP:imagico.de: McMurdo Sound and Dry Valleys # MAP:imagico.de: Mount Kenya 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Mount Kilimanjaro 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: New Ireland # MAP:imagico.de: North Sea Coast 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: North Sea Coast 2017 # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Dvina delta at low tide # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Ellesmere Island # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Ellesmere Island July 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Northern German west coast tidalflats # MAP:imagico.de: Northern German west coast tidalflats (infrared) # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Greenland ASTER # MAP:imagico.de: Northern and Polar Ural mountains August 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Northwest Heard Island # MAP:imagico.de: Panama Canal # MAP:imagico.de: Panama Canal - Pacific side # MAP:imagico.de: Pechora Sea Coast # MAP:imagico.de: Pensacola Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Prokletije Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Qasigiannguit # MAP:imagico.de: Rann of Kutch # MAP:imagico.de: Rila and Pirin Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Rwenzori Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Rwenzori Mountains 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Scott Island # MAP:imagico.de: Shag Rocks # MAP:imagico.de: Southeastern Sulawesi # MAP:imagico.de: Southern Transantarctic Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Sudirman Range 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Sudirman Range 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Svalbard mosaicimagico.de Svalbard satellittfoto # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Air Base # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Airbase DMS low altitude overflight September 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Airbase DMS overflight October 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Airbase DMS overflight September 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Ushakov Island August 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Vanatinai # MAP:imagico.de: Volcán Calbuco # MAP:imagico.de: Vostochny Cosmodrome # MAP:imagico.de: Western Alps autumn colors 2017 # MAP:imagico.de: Western Karakoram # MAP:imagico.de: Willkanuta Mountains and Quelccaya Ice Cap |
40 | | * imap.maryland.gov [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:MD Latest 6 Inch Aerial Imagery # MAP:MD Three Inch Aerial Imagery # MAP:MD Transportation Basemap |
41 | | * ittc.state.gov [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Aşgabat (high resolution) |
42 | | * j.tile.openstreetmap.hu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes)OpenStreetMap (turistautak) |
43 | | * josm.openstreetmap.de [200 Ok]: PRESET:s3db-preset.zip |
44 | | * kart.naturbase.no [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlayMiljødirektoratet Naturvernområder (lag) |
45 | | * kolesar.turistautak.hu [Error hostname verification failed] :STYLE:cellid.mapcss # STYLE:measurements.mapcss # STYLE:signal-size.mapcss |
46 | | * kystverket.no [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Kystverket Navigational Aid overlayKystverket Navigasjonsinstallasjoner (lag) |
47 | | * lists.nuug.no [302 Found]: MAP:Kartverket Accessibility overlayKartverket Tilgjengelighet (lag) |
48 | | * lists.openstreetmap.ch [301 Moved Permanently]: MAP:Stadt Bern 10cm (2016) |
49 | | * mapa.educacion.gob.ar [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Educational map (WMS)Mapa Educativo (WMS) |
50 | | * mapas.dgterritorio.pt:8888 [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Ortofotos DGRF 2004-2006 (WMS) |
51 | | * maps.imagico.de [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:imagico.de: Adams Bridge # MAP:imagico.de: Alaska Range # MAP:imagico.de: Aral Sea (high water level) # MAP:imagico.de: Aral Sea (low water level) # MAP:imagico.de: Bahía Blanca (high tide)imagico.de OSM imágenes para mapear: Bahía Blanca (marea alta) # MAP:imagico.de: Bahía Blanca (low tide)imagico.de OSM imágenes para mapear: Bahía Blanca (marea baja) # MAP:imagico.de: Bakun Reservoir # MAP:imagico.de: Batam # MAP:imagico.de: Bogoslof Island # MAP:imagico.de: Bouvet Island # MAP:imagico.de: Bunger Hills # MAP:imagico.de: Central Alps in late September 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Clerke Rocks # MAP:imagico.de: Cook Inlet # MAP:imagico.de: Coropuna # MAP:imagico.de: Cotonou # MAP:imagico.de: Darwin and Wolf islands, Galapagos # MAP:imagico.de: Eastern Devon Island coast # MAP:imagico.de: Eastern Iceland # MAP:imagico.de: El Altar # MAP:imagico.de: Elephant Island/Clarence Island # MAP:imagico.de: Enderby Land and Kemp Coast # MAP:imagico.de: Fogo, Cape Verde # MAP:imagico.de: Greenland mosaic # MAP:imagico.de: Heard Island coast # MAP:imagico.de: Isla Londonderry # MAP:imagico.de: Kangerlussuaq Autumn # MAP:imagico.de: Kangerlussuaq Spring # MAP:imagico.de: Kerch Strait # MAP:imagico.de: Landsat off-nadir July 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Larsen C ice shelf after calving # MAP:imagico.de: Leskov Island ASTER # MAP:imagico.de: Leskov Island Landsat # MAP:imagico.de: May 2013 off-nadir Landsat # MAP:imagico.de: McMurdo Sound and Dry Valleys # MAP:imagico.de: Mount Kenya 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Mount Kilimanjaro 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: New Ireland # MAP:imagico.de: North Sea Coast 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: North Sea Coast 2017 # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Dvina delta at low tide # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Ellesmere Island # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Ellesmere Island July 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Northern German west coast tidalflats # MAP:imagico.de: Northern German west coast tidalflats (infrared) # MAP:imagico.de: Northern Greenland ASTER # MAP:imagico.de: Northern and Polar Ural mountains August 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Northwest Heard Island # MAP:imagico.de: Panama Canal # MAP:imagico.de: Panama Canal - Pacific side # MAP:imagico.de: Pechora Sea Coast # MAP:imagico.de: Pensacola Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Prokletije Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Qasigiannguit # MAP:imagico.de: Rann of Kutch # MAP:imagico.de: Rila and Pirin Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Rwenzori Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Rwenzori Mountains 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Scott Island # MAP:imagico.de: Shag Rocks # MAP:imagico.de: Southeastern Sulawesi # MAP:imagico.de: Southern Transantarctic Mountains # MAP:imagico.de: Sudirman Range 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Sudirman Range 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Svalbard mosaicimagico.de Svalbard satellittfoto # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Air Base # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Airbase DMS low altitude overflight September 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Airbase DMS overflight October 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Thule Airbase DMS overflight September 2015 # MAP:imagico.de: Ushakov Island August 2016 # MAP:imagico.de: Vanatinai # MAP:imagico.de: Volcán Calbuco # MAP:imagico.de: Vostochny Cosmodrome # MAP:imagico.de: Western Alps autumn colors 2017 # MAP:imagico.de: Western Karakoram # MAP:imagico.de: Willkanuta Mountains and Quelccaya Ice Cap |
52 | | * maps.stamen.com [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Stamen Terrain |
53 | | * mapserver.um.katowice.pl [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Katowice: Buildings # MAP:Katowice: Orthophotomap (aerial image) |
54 | | * mapy.geoportal.gov.pl [302 Found]: MAP:Geoportal 2: ISOK hillshade # MAP:Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) # MAP:Geoportal 2: Orthophotomap (aerial image) WMTS # MAP:Geoportal 2: PRNG (geo names) |
55 | | * openptmap.de [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:OpenPT Map (overlay) |
56 | | * openstreetmap.tw [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :PRESET:TaiwanOnly.xml |
57 | | * orto.wms.itacyl.es [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:ITACyL - Castile and León |
58 | | * ~~osmdata.asitvd.ch [200 OK]: MAP:Bonvillars Orthophoto 2013 # MAP:Cartoriviera - Orthophoto 2012 # MAP:Fiez Orthophoto 2013 # MAP:Lausanne - Orthophoto technique 2012 # MAP:SIGIP - Orthophoto 2012 # MAP:Ville de Nyon - Orthophoto 2010 HD 5cm/pi |
59 | | * osmtools.de [Error hostname verification failed] :PRESET:steps.xml |
60 | | * ovc.catastro.meh.es [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Catastro Spain |
61 | | * sig.se.gob.ar [403 Forbidden]: MAP:Ministry of Energy and Mining (WMS)Ministerio de Energía y Minería (WMS) |
62 | | * ~~siglon.londrina.pr.gov.br [200 OK]: MAP:Londrina Ortofoto 2011 |
63 | | * sitplan.um.bytom.pl [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Bytom: Buildings # MAP:Bytom: Orthophotomap 2012 (aerial image) |
64 | | * sitplan.um.bytom.pl:11180 [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Bytom: Fotoplan 2014 (aerial image) |
65 | | * svimik.com [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Estonia Basemap (Maaamet) # MAP:Estonia Cadastre (Maaamet) # MAP:Estonia Forestry (Maaamet) # MAP:Estonia Hillshade (Maaamet) # MAP:Estonia Ortho (Maaamet) |
66 | | * taches.francophonelibre.org [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Benin: Cotonou Pleiade 2016 |
67 | | * terinfo.ujbuda.hu [503 Service Temporarily Unavailable]: MAP:Budapest district XI orthophoto 2015Budapest XI. kerület ortofotó 2015 # MAP:Budapest district XI orthophoto 2017Budapest XI. kerület ortofotó 2017 |
68 | | * tile.osm.osuosl.org [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:MassGIS L3 Parcels |
69 | | * ~~tiles.itoworld.com [302 Found]: MAP:OS OpenData Locator |
70 | | * tiles.kartat.kapsi.fi [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:MML Background MapMML TaustakarttaMML BakgrundskartaMML Bakgrunnskart # MAP:MML OrthophotoMML OrtoilmakuvaMML OrtofotoMML Ortofoto # MAP:MML Topographic MapMML PeruskarttaMML Topografisk kartaMML Topografisk kart |
71 | | * ~~tms.cadastre.openstreetmap.fr [200 OK]: MAP:Cadastre |
72 | | * tms.freemap.sk [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Slovakia Historic Maps |
73 | | * trac.openstreetmap.org [200 Ok]: STYLE:mapnik.zip |
74 | | * vogis.cnv.at [503 Service Unavailable]: MAP:VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2012 (12cm) # MAP:VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild 2015 (10cm) # MAP:VoGIS: Echtfarbenbild Winter 2015 (20cm) # MAP:VoGIS: Flächenwidmungsplan # MAP:VoGIS: Höhen und Gelände |
75 | | * wiki.openstreetmap.org [301 Moved Permanently]: PLUGIN:ShapeTools.jar # PLUGIN:TombPlugin.jar # PLUGIN:Tracer-testing.jar # PLUGIN:austriaaddresshelper.jar # PLUGIN:contourmerge.jar # PLUGIN:fieldpapers.jar # PLUGIN:kendzi3d-resources.jar # PLUGIN:kendzi3d.jar # PLUGIN:mbtiles.jar # PRESET:steps.xml # PRESET:windrad.xml # STYLE:CEVNI_MapCSS.mapcss # STYLE:electrified.zip # STYLE:josm-additional.zip # STYLE:maxspeed.zip # STYLE:signals.zip # STYLE:standard.zip |
76 | | * wms.epodgik.pl [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:polska.e-mapa.net: Buildings |
77 | | * ~~wms.openstreetmap.de [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:GURS: Building outlinesGURS: Tlorisi zgradb # MAP:GURS: Road linesGURS: Osi cest # MAP:RABA-KGZ: Slovenia built-up areasRABA-KGZ: Pozidana zemljišča # MAP:RABA-KGZ: Slovenia farmland useRABA-KGZ: Raba kmetijskih zemljišč |
78 | | * wms.openstreetmap.fr [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Bordeaux - 2012 # MAP:Drone Imagery (Haiti) # MAP:Drone Imagery 2014 (Haiti) # MAP:Drone Imagery Canaan(Haiti) November 2015 # MAP:GrandNancy - Orthophoto - 2012 # MAP:Tours - Orthophotos 2008-2010 # MAP:Tours - Orthophotos 2013 # MAP:Vercors (Réserve naturelle des Hauts-Plateaux du Vercors) - Orthophoto - 1999 - 1 m |
79 | | * wms1.geopoz.poznan.pl:6080 [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Poznań: Orthophotomap 2014 (aerial image) # MAP:Poznań: Orthophotomap 2016 (aerial image) |
80 | | * wms2.geopoz.poznan.pl:8080 [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Poznań: Buildings |
81 | | * www.acessoainformacao.es.gov.br [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:DER-ES |
82 | | * www.acessoainformacao.gov.br [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Alagoas coast 2006Alagoas Litoral 2006 # MAP:Arapiraca AL # MAP:Branquinha AL # MAP:Cajueiro AL # MAP:Campo Alegre AL # MAP:Capela AL # MAP:Delmiro Gouveia AL # MAP:Estrela de Alagoas # MAP:Girau do Ponciano # MAP:Major Isidoro AL # MAP:Mar Vermelho AL # MAP:Minador do Negrão # MAP:Olho d’Agua do Casado AL # MAP:Palestina AL # MAP:Palmeira dos Indios AL # MAP:Piranhas AL # MAP:Poço das Trincheiras AL # MAP:Pão de Açucar AL # MAP:Santana do Ipanema AL # MAP:São Miguel dos Campos AL # MAP:Teotonio Vilela AL # MAP:União dos Palmares AL # MAP:Viçosa AL |
83 | | * www.are.zh.ch [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Kanton Zürich Orthophotos 2014/2015 10cm |
84 | | * www.beta.inegi.org.mx [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:INEGI Digital Map of Mexico (WMS)INEGI Mapa Digital de Mexico (WMS) |
85 | | * www.dgterritorio.pt [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Carta de Uso do Solo 2010 (WMS) # MAP:Ortofotos DGRF 2004-2006 (WMS) # MAP:Ortofotos Litoral DGT 2014-2015 (WMS) |
86 | | * www.fosterhjemsforening.no [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:SSB City Centres overlaySSB Sentrumsoner (lag) # MAP:SSB Urban Areas overlaySSB Tettsteder (lag) |
87 | | * www.geo.u-szeged.hu [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Szeged orthophoto 2011Szeged ortofotó 2011 |
88 | | * www.geoimage.at [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Geoimage.at MaxRes |
89 | | * www.geoservicos.ibge.gov.br [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:IBGE-BC250 Isolated Rural LocationIBGE-BC250-Aglomerado Rural Isolado # MAP:IBGE-BC250 River drainsIBGE-BC250-Rios Drenagem # MAP:IBGE-BCIM MunicipalitiesIBGE-BCIM-Município # MAP:IBGE-BCIM Stations for Electrical Power GenerationIBGE-BCIM-Estações Geradora de Energia Elétrica |
90 | | * www.gisnet.lv [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:USSR - Latvia |
91 | | * www.ign.fr [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:BDOrtho IGN |
92 | | * www.inegi.org.mx [302 Found : Moved Temporarily]: MAP:INEGI Digital Map of Mexico (WMS)INEGI Mapa Digital de Mexico (WMS) |
93 | | * ~~www.jgoodies.com [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 unrecognized name] :PLUGIN:plastic_laf.jar |
94 | | * www.lanmateriet.se [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1960Lantmäteriet Historiska ortofoton 1960Lantmäteriet Historisk ortofoto 1960 # MAP:Lantmäteriet Historic Orthophoto 1975Lantmäteriet Historiska ortofoton 1975Lantmäteriet Historisk ortofoto 1975 |
95 | | * www.lantmateriet.se [200 OK]: MAP:Lantmäteriet Topographic MapLantmäteriet Topografisk webbkartaLantmäteriet Topografisk kart |
96 | | * www.mapaeducativo.edu.ar [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol] :MAP:Educational map (WMS)Mapa Educativo (WMS) |
97 | | * www.miljodirektoratet.no [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Miljødirektoratet Protected Areas overlayMiljødirektoratet Naturvernområder (lag) # MAP:Miljødirektoratet Public Recreation Areas overlayMiljødirektoratet Statlig sikrede friluftsområder (lag) |
98 | | * www.miljostatus.no [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:Miljødirektoratet Public Recreation Areas overlayMiljødirektoratet Statlig sikrede friluftsområder (lag) |
99 | | * ~~www.muenchen.de [301 Moved Permanently]: MAP:Munich latest aerial imagery 60cm |
100 | | * www.nyon.ch [302 Moved Temporarily]: MAP:Ville de Nyon - Orthophoto 2010 HD 5cm/pi |
101 | | * www.opendatacommons.org [301 Moved Permanently]: MAP:BANO # MAP:Cadastre |
102 | | * www.openstreetmap.hu [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:OpenStreetMap Hungary (hiking routes)OpenStreetMap (turistautak) |
103 | | * www.openstreetmap.org.pl [Error Der Name oder der Dienst ist nicht bekannt] :PLUGIN:kendzi3d.jar |
104 | | * ~~www.osm-tools.org [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar bilingual |
105 | | * www.raphael-mack.de [Error hostname verification failed] :PLUGIN:globalsat.jar |
106 | | * www.rvr-online.de [Error hostname verification failed] :MAP:Metropole Ruhr: Luftbilder (10 cm) |
107 | | * www.sandre.eaufrance.fr [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:BD Carthage |
108 | | * www.seeiendom.no [302 Redirect]: MAP:Kartverket Cadastral overlayKartverket Matrikkelen (lag) |
109 | | * www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de [200 OK]: MAP:Berlin aerial photograph 2011Berlin Orthophoto 2011 # MAP:Berlin aerial photograph 2014Berlin Orthophoto 2014 # MAP:Berlin aerial photograph 2015Berlin Orthophoto 2015 # MAP:Berlin aerial photograph 2016Berlin Orthophoto 2016 # MAP:Berlin aerial photograph 2017Berlin Orthophoto 2017 |
110 | | * www.torokbalint.hu [Error Keine Route zum Zielrechner] :MAP:Törökbálint orthophoto 2013Törökbálint ortofotó 2013 # MAP:Törökbálint orthophoto 2015Törökbálint ortofotó 2015 |
111 | | * www.w3.org [200 OK]: PRESET:s3db-preset.zip |
112 | | * ~~www.webatlasde.de [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :MAP:Maps4BW (LGL-BW, www.lgl-bw.de) |
113 | | * www3.inegi.org.mx [Error Verbindungsaufbau abgelehnt] :MAP:INEGI Digital Map of Mexico (WMS)INEGI Mapa Digital de Mexico (WMS) |
114 | | * ~~zibi.openstreetmap.org.pl [Error SSL connect attempt failed error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed] :PLUGIN:TombPlugin.jar # PLUGIN:jogl.jar # PLUGIN:kendzi3d-resources.jar # PLUGIN:kendzi3d.jar # PRESET:s3db-preset.zip |
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