Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#12102 closed enhancement

Popular tags not in internal presets — at Version 3

Reported by: Don-vip Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 15.11
Component: Internal preset Version:
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by Don-vip)

I have built the list of popular tags (as defined by taginfo), unknown from JOSM presets, for which we do not have a MapCSS deprecation warning:

Tag (wiki) Count (taginfo) Decision
abandoned=yes 19932
amenity=swimming_pool 46883
bicycle=dismount 37307
bin=yes 22245
building=cabin 89126
building=civic 53949
building=hotel 21776
building=houseboat 11520
building=kindergarten 13125
building=manufacture 94507
building=public 39377
building=service 95527
building=stable 10477
building=static_caravan 26023
building=train_station 13938
construction=yes 48871
crop=corn 13629 Added
crop=grass 14186 Added
crop=rice 15795 Added
cuisine=coffee_shop 16997
entrance=staircase 66237
footway=crossing 135476
footway=sidewalk 217915
golf=bunker 64675
golf=fairway 24191
heritage=2 16686
heritage=4 14589
highway=proposed 51018
historic=building 11875
historic=yes 34631
landuse=conservation 24867
landuse=farm 572939
leisure=recreation_ground 27747
living_street=yes 193832
locality=townland 48104
maintenance=gritting 15556
man_made=mast 23646
man_made=petroleum_well 32326
man_made=silo 41194
military=bunker 23317
mooring=yes 18504
oneway=-1 122298
oneway=1 10250
pipeline=marker 12322
place=allotments 12582
placement=right_of:1 17516
placement=transition 12958
railway=signal 40435
railway=stop 11325
residential=rural 125887
residential=urban 15335
route=foot 26924
ruins=yes 33287
seamark=buoy 10212
service=crossover 16733
service=emergency_access 11623
smoking=outside 14449
surface=earth 24377
takeaway=yes 17507
tidal=yes 16590
traffic_sign=maxspeed 19063
trolley_wire=yes 34577
wall=dry_stone 43074
wall=no 10747377
water=intermittent 269254
waterway=rapids 44573

We should decide which tags should be added to presets and which ones should be deprecated.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

In 9014/josm:

see #12102 - add crop=corn,grass,rice,wheat,hop to landuse=farmland preset

comment:2 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Milestone: 15.11

comment:3 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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