Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Ticket #11194, comment 6

2015-03-03T14:34:31+01:00 (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #11194, comment 6

    v4 v5  
    11Replying to [comment:5 bastiK]:
    22> Are you referring to the text on the main map in JOSM or also the text in the right hand panel? Please answer the question from my previous post.
    3 The right hand panel in JOSM shows the correct form in most cases. I'm talkig about the main map. JOSM right panel has no problem with Kars but it can't show conjunct letters properly(breaks them as separate letter) which isn't a big case since it doesn't change the spelling and we can understand them. But you should copy the text and and paste it to notepad to be sure about the right form of texts. Notepad always shows the right form.
     3The right hand panel in JOSM shows the correct form in most cases. I'm talkig about the main map. JOSM right panel has no problem with "Kar"s but it can't show conjunct letters properly(breaks them as separate letter) which isn't a bigger case since we can understand them most of the time. But you should copy the text and and paste it to notepad to be sure about the right form of texts. Notepad always shows the right form.