Custom Query (20463 matches)


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Results (2601 - 2700 of 20463)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#6837 error when moving ways xeen defect major Core
#6842 unhandled exception on rotate team defect major Core
#6848 'G' - ungluing building - creates unconnected node team defect major Core
#6851 Regression: Voice Files (*.wav) not playing team defect major Core
#6858 [Patch] Unnecessary JMapViewer Dependencies team defect major Core
#6871 Internal presets broken? simon04 defect major Internal preset
#6883 property toggle dialog: possibility to select and perform actions on several entries at once. team enhancement major Core
#6886 [Patch] Add PBF reading support to JOSM team enhancement major Plugin pbf
#6891 Hover highlighting color in wireframe mode team defect major Core
#6901 add default "null styles" tag for wms imagery url team defect major Core imagery
#6921 Support for GML (Geography Markup Language) team enhancement major Plugin opendata
#6929 Major slow down when changed from 4399 and 4487 team defect major Core
#6930 Support for importing CSVs with Longitude/Latitude columns team enhancement major Plugin opendata
#6963 display warnings in a less intrusive way than popups team enhancement major Core
#6976 4487 - keine Verbindung zum Server anonymous defect major Core
#6991 Columbus Plugin crashes at Startup OliverW defect major Plugin columbuscsv
#7028 Dragging map is extremely slow when large GPX file is loaded Don-vip defect major Core
#7032 Regression: can't easily add tags to recently drawn way olejorgenb defect major Core
#7039 Opening GPX file results in error team defect major Core
#7066 josm no longer under window manager control team defect major Core
#7082 Strange result while merging nodes with CTRL team defect major Core
#7086 WMS basic authentication is using OSM account wiktorn defect major Core
#7100 Regression: JOSM does not allow to select Georeferences Images team defect major Core
#7113 NPE after Split Way - Undo Don-vip defect major Core
#7116 API chokes when uploading undeleted ways/nodes with Precondition Failed team defect major Plugin undelete
#7142 Precondition failed cryptic error team defect major Core
#7147 Downloading from Overpass API borked team defect major Core
#7172 CT isn't always loaded by the History window when looking at an items history team defect major Core
#7173 Unexpected Exception when purging a way in a Multipolygon Don-vip defect major Core
#7177 JOSM ignores changed shortcuts team defect major Core
#7181 FixAddresses plugin works very slow, uses 100% CPU OliverW defect major Plugin fixaddresses
#7183 HTTP 302 response to OAuth full-auto authentication ? team defect major Core
#7201 [Patch] combining ways screws up the order of ref tags team defect major Core
#7213 strange shortcut fuckup team defect major Core
#7265 building tool (w) deletes POIs and takes tags Upliner defect major Plugin buildings_tools
#7266 join different layer cause this error team defect major Core
#7267 [regression] buttons for panels are completely hidden if docked team defect major Core
#7295 Possible information loss and NPE with Replace Geometry command team defect major Plugin utilsplugin2
#7340 problem with measurement plugin team defect major Plugin measurement
#7344 Deleting multiple relations ends in failure team defect major Core
#7377 Discrétisation des angles team defect major Core
#7385 Relation History not shown correctly when comparing changesets team defect major Core
#7403 Josm only displays error. team defect major Core
#7404 Josm only displays error. team defect major Plugin measurement
#7419 Shortcuts not working and crashes anonymous defect major Core
#7427 Support reprojection (warping) of imagery layer bastiK enhancement major 17.04 Core imagery
#7432 Impossibité d'aller plus loins malgré mise à jour des greffons team defect major Core
#7437 IndexOutOfBounds when validating 0-nodes way team defect major Core
#7456 josm loops in exceptions after data-import from OSM / java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: alpha value out of range team defect major unspecified
#7458 Create multipolygon function: enable tags moving team enhancement major Core
#7465 [Patch] NullPointerException in WayConnectedToArea due to Way w/ 0 nodes team defect major 13.12 Core validator
#7483 Problem with updating plugins with existing /usr/share/josm/plugins team defect major Core
#7498 NPE when using filter team defect major Core
#7505 OSM API changes caused by license change team enhancement major Core
#7509 NullPointerException when downloading area near Wegscheid team defect major Core
#7519 NPE when pasting relation with incomplete node members to new layer team defect major Core
#7521 JOSM très lent en mode dessin anonymous defect major Core
#7538 tcx import not works team enhancement major Core
#7548 Re-organize the preference dialog team enhancement major 20.11 Core
#7552 combo item icon in template preset team enhancement major Core
#7564 Revision 5139 breaks loading preset icons comming from ZIP file simon04 defect major Core
#7586 Wikipedia-Plugin under WindowsXP simon04 defect major Plugin wikipedia
#7612 [Patch] Prefer OAuth, provide authorization at upload simon04 enhancement major 16.02 Core
#7616 NPE when replacing address nodes with buildings joshdoe defect major Plugin conflation
#7637 unhandled error by start after update team defect major Core
#7673 merging nodes sometimes replaces known id with id:0 team defect major Core
#7674 NPE clicking on reference/subject only joshdoe defect major Plugin conflation
#7692 merging nodes with CTRL too eager team enhancement major Core
#7702 josm-latest does not start in ubuntu 12.04 team defect major Core
#7750 Conflict resolution: select member objects team enhancement major Core
#7751 hardcoded shortcut for draw angle snap team defect major Core
#7765 [PATCH] waste_disposal icon team enhancement major Core
#7790 [Patch] Make switching to lasso selection mode easier team enhancement major Core
#7792 JOSM does not start team defect major Core
#7813 [Patch] JOSM often fails to download, and I cannot Cancel team defect major 15.08 Core
#7818 problem with plugin list team defect major Plugin
#7819 "Quit now" button not shown in Quit dialog with certain locale and Metal style/theme team defect major Core
#7841 Flying street name labels for JOSM 5315 team defect major Core
#7843 Cannot save data: No Exporter found ingalls defect major Core
#7847 Josm can't process deleted nodes from API after its recent change team defect major Core
#7858 Simplify way has stopped working team defect major Core
#7859 Validator doesn't warn about untagged ways team defect major Core
#7868 NPE in multiGetIdPackage team defect major Core
#7904 Webstart blocked by OS X Mountain Lion team defect major Core Webstart
#7907 Error Loading data from the API team defect major Core
#7914 [PATCH] Concurrent fetching of primitives team enhancement major Core
#7917 GUI usability: incorrect position/layout of selector lists of comboboxes in the popup dialogs when Editting an attribute team defect major Core
#7933 Crash when downloading OSM data for Cairo Egypt team defect major Core
#7944 Menus not working properly team defect major Core
#7949 No access to LAUNCHPAD DiGro defect major unspecified
#7959 [patch] join areas exception team defect major 14.04 Core
#7968 "EastNorth: null" exception on attempt to partially revert a changeset Upliner defect major Plugin reverter
#7970 Copy Paste does'nt work on MAC OS X Eric Pommereau defect major Core
#7971 Copy Paste does'nt work on MAC OS X Eric Pommereau defect major Core
#7979 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when rendering ways team defect major Core
#7982 plugins crashing with r5466 Don-vip defect major Core
#7983 turnrestrictions plugin crashing when entering the preferences in r5466 team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#7984 Conflict between opendata plugin and ImportImagePlugin Don-vip defect major Plugin opendata
#7995 Buildin plugin crash after starting draw building when i click second point to create it Don-vip defect major Core
#7996 buildings_tools: exception at finishing object team defect major Core
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