Custom Query (4433 matches)


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Results (2301 - 2400 of 4433)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#14314 Validator false positive oneway in combination with aerialway team defect normal Core validator
#14317 Simple erro team defect normal Core
#14320 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Listener CommandLine.PointAction@3d8c6cb7 (instance of CommandLine.PointAction) was not registered before or already removed. Hind defect normal Plugin commandline
#14324 can't open .mbtiles file iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14326 Include clothes in shop → clothes team enhancement normal Internal preset
#14331 GPS > Capture GPS Track Generates stack trace framm defect normal Plugin livegps
#14338 When uploading notes on closing JOSM jBeata defect normal Plugin mapdust
#14341 Cannot get MBTiles plugin to work iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14342 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) team defect normal Core mappaint
#14345 IllegalArgumentException: The sequence key '9c4e9ac0-e286-4b90-bf55-07dc50883a23' is invalid nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14348 Josm error team defect normal Core
#14350 automatisch erkannter Fehler team defect normal Core
#14352 unexpected excetion nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14355 error after opening an area with remote kendzi enhancement normal Plugin kendzi3d
#14362 Pád relácie team defect normal Core
#14365 Not show opening hours correctly boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#14369 IllegalArgumentException: The sequence key '...' is invalid nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14372 crash team defect normal Core
#14375 report bug Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#14380 Mac OS X, magic track pad: unexpected zoom-in or zoom-out instead of panning while performing secondary click team defect normal Core
#14382 Error! team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14383 bug Josm team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14384 bug josm team defect normal Core
#14385 Start crash team defect normal Core
#14388 can't edit tags on relations team defect normal Core
#14390 https team defect normal Core
#14396 incorrect warning on roundabouts: "street with odd number of lanes... and no oneway" team defect normal Core validator
#14397 Add https certificate to macOS keychain more easily team enhancement normal Core
#14399 More readable preferences dialog for macOS team enhancement normal Core
#14401 Double finger tap without click causes map to zoom in or out one zoom level team defect normal Core
#14403 cad tools gestartet .... fehler Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#14405 DataIntegrityProblemException: Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation team defect normal Core
#14406 Pasting tags onto way causes error team defect normal Core
#14407 bug team defect normal Core
#14412 bag report team defect normal Core
#14419 снимки не загружаются team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#14430 jOSM crashed at start team defect normal Core
#14436 IllegalStateException: Dialog not created yet. Invoke createInstance() first team defect normal Core
#14443 IAE: Listener Image info (instance of ImageInfoPanel) was not registered before or already removed nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14447 NPE at DefaultToolBarLayout.preferredLayoutSize team defect normal Core
#14453 Another Unknown-Reason Exception Thrown nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14461 Exception selecting Imagery Menu Item team defect normal Core
#14467 Crash when exiting floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14473 Exception after deleting last layer floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14476 Can't close JOSM team defect normal Core
#14477 JOSM crash after connecting two external monitors and suspend mode team defect normal Core
#14484 josm crash after large relation edit upload floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14491 Using <Ctrl>+<arrow-key> to navigate the map causes an Exception floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14494 Unexpected Exception Whilst Creating a Terrace team defect normal Plugin terracer
#14496 Complete Program Freeze for Unknown Reason team defect normal Core
#14497 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (0) must be non-zero team defect normal Core
#14501 don't know floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14502 Crash when trying to edit a route team defect normal Core
#14503 Deleting the last layer causes IllegalArgumentException floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14504 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (1) team defect normal Core
#14505 Error after adding new layer Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14506 Error on JOSM startup Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14507 Exception using query from Firefox Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14508 to-fix crash Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14509 error message during downlad Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14510 mon logiel est la version 11639 Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14511 Getting random errors ans sometimes josm settings get reset Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14513 JOSM goes into "bug mode" many times when I delete a layer floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14514 deleting a tag while a search filter is typed in the tag window gives an error team defect normal Core
#14515 IllegalStateException: Missing merge target Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#14516 Error in opening .mbtiles iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14517 Complete Program Freeze for Unknown Reason #2 alexkemp defect normal Core
#14519 Exception when reverting changeset 45592770 Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#14521 Unexpected exception at startup. team defect normal Core
#14522 crash report while shutting down the program floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14523 Unable to use the Mbtiles plugin. iandees defect normal Plugin mbtiles
#14525 Hitting W to improve way produces exception kolesar defect normal Plugin ImproveWay
#14533 This "report a bug" has occurred quite a few times when I shut down JOSM. I have no idea why. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14538 <Shift>-<J> Creates Multi-Polygon Rather than 'Join Overlapping Areas' team defect normal Core
#14543 Combining ways to reflect where the highway type changes from motorway to trunk. team defect normal Core
#14544 IAE: Width (0) and height (0) must be non-zero team defect normal Core
#14546 Open jpg image pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14547 It occured when deleting a data layer which hasn't been modified. But there were modifications on other ones before in the same session. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14549 Started JOSM, selected small area on west shore of Lake Michigan (one of the Great Lakes), exception was immediate. Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14553 RejectedExecutionException: MapillarySquareDownloadManagerThread.downloadSequence floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14559 IAE: Listener ... was not registered before or already removed. team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14560 CTRL+C/V - NOT worked team defect normal Core
#14561 crash at shutdown floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#14563 RejectedExecutionException: DownloadOsmTask team defect normal Core
#14565 Unexpected exception when closing the application team defect normal Plugin print
#14575 bug lors de l'envoie des relations pour ligne de bus à Dakar team defect normal Plugin sds
#14580 scale adjustment of an imported .jpg picture layer from file pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#14581 IAE: ChannelDiGraphLayer is not managed by us joerg defect normal Plugin junctionchecking
#14583 Absturz beim Auswählen des zu ladenden Kartenausschnitts Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14584 bug lors de l'envoie des relations pour ligne de bus à Dakar team defect normal Plugin sds
#14585 bug lors de l'envoie des relations pour ligne de bus à Dakar team defect normal Plugin sds
#14586 Buildings plugin causing error team defect normal Core
#14587 Error message when loading data, probably to do with the tofix plugin Rub21 defect normal Plugin tofix
#14603 NPE in DownloadOsmTask: Remote fix-josm from Osmose gives error team defect normal Core
#14607 certificate exception - ZipException: error reading zip file 2 team defect normal Core
#14609 Error al cerrar JOSM team defect normal Plugin imagewaypoint
#14612 Second export from Osmose issue or Overpass Turbo Query to JOSM fails. team defect normal Core
#14614 Crush when try to load via ctrl-l team defect normal Core
#14617 crash on second overpass-request from website team defect normal Core
#14621 Unexpected exception occurred after I launched JOSM editor 11826. team defect normal Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.