Custom Query (5 matches)
Ticket | Summary | Status | Keywords | Owner | Type | Priority |
#6804 | template_report should attach test osm file | new | file spurious | enhancement | normal | |
#15624 | [Patch draft] It would be far too easy to hijack a plugin with malicious code | new | plugin jar signing certificate tofu security | enhancement | normal | |
#16655 | Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader (win10, 8u171) | new | template_report jpeg imageio jpeg security webstart | defect | normal | |
#16658 | Add highway=corridor, attraction=animal, man_made=water_tap | new | highway corridor attraction animal tourism historic citywalls | enhancement | normal | |
#21097 | Add intelligent URI paste support | new | URI paste | enhancement | normal |
See TracQuery
for help on using queries.