Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#18894 Merge (selection): No user information about layer state `upload=*` new template_report upload never false merge layer state team defect normal
#19002 undeleting a node to existing layer does not work new template_report state visibility team defect normal
#20763 "Empty" indicator in data layer when layer contains data new layer state indicator team defect normal
#20907 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced at (delete action) after undelete new template_report deleted node referenced state visibility team defect normal
#21378 Use an own, temporally flag to block layer on upload. new template_report upload flag layer state locked team defect normal
#21493 Split up preferences file new preferences xml state config team enhancement normal
#22308 [Patch] Add option to toggle layer read-only status to popup menu needinfo layer, state, read-only, toggle, lock, locked Woazboat enhancement normal
#23749 The `State: all-referrers-downloaded` is not saved to file new template_report save state refferrers downloaded team defect normal
#23867 After Upload all new ways get "State: referrers-not-all-downloaded" new template_report upload state refferrers downloaded team defect normal
#23940 History Dialog: No new version listed if the object is deleted new template_report history version deleted state team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.