Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#3417 GPX parsing error messages shown in the console aren't shown in the UI new gpx team enhancement normal
#5541 Audio and Gpx new gpx team enhancement normal
#5662 display timestamp of individual GPX trackpoints reopened GPX, timestamp team enhancement normal
#6864 Can't "download along" a pure waypoints gpx file / marker layer / geotagged images layer new waypoint gpx marker download geotagged enhancement normal
#11017 3GPP audio files open in browser on Linux new 3gpp audio file gpx browser team defect normal
#11454 Cannot upload gpx track with DirectUpload plugin (JOSM behind HTTP proxy with authentication) new directupload, gpx, proxy, authentication team defect normal
#14069 More coloring options for GPX files (HDOP circle) new gpx color hdop team enhancement normal
#14139 Customize track drawing, gpx, where did I stop, speed color scheme. new gpx team enhancement normal
#15475 Should offer more options when clicking on GPX tracks' pictures new gpx picture photo jpg zoom team enhancement normal
#17032 improve display of unordered gps traces new gpx gps visualisation team enhancement normal
#17175 ConcurrentModificationException at GpxData$LinesIterator.getNext new template_report gpx team defect normal
#17785 Download only your own GPS tracks from the site when downloading data from the selected site. new gpx download team enhancement normal
#19602 OsmTransferException while downloading GPX new template_report gpx download truncated-file team defect normal
#19666 GPXSettingsPanel should leverage IPreferences new gpx preference refactoring team enhancement normal
#20100 UI problems with route layers new gpx route team defect normal
#20407 Enable opening of other JOSM supported formats via remote control's import command new geojson import gpx remote control team enhancement normal
#21013 Customize track drawing dialog needs scrollbar new template_report gpx customize drawing scrollbar team defect normal
#21599 Fatal Error when opening a surveyed GPX file new template_report, gpx team defect normal
#21931 [Patch] .nmea/.pos/.wpt files always ask to be saved new nmea, pos, wpt, gpx, save team defect normal
#21933 Customization of GPS drawing options new gpx, color, mapcss team enhancement normal
#22112 Elevation data new elevation, gpx team enhancement normal
#22678 Wrong track names when exporting multiple route relations to gpx new gpx export team defect normal
#22976 GPX-Layer export into session file does not export display settings of the layer new session gpx team enhancement normal
#22978 Problem with route layer from gpx containing route and markers new template_report gpx ptna team defect normal
#23520 Error occurs when closing JOSM new template_report, gpx, markerlayer team defect normal
#23984 Convert from GPX to OSMdata file not support gpx:extension: new gpx tags hr temp cad team defect normal
#4132 'Shift+g' to switch from all GPS traces to just mine new gpx, gps, UI, user interface, keyboard shortcut, layer, display team enhancement minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.