Custom Query (24 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#24080 Conflating Subject Data Beyond the Downloaded Area Causes JOSM to Softlock new Conflation Softlock Downloaded Area Tyndare defect critical
#22939 Improve ways & data layer tool softlock new template_report, softlock, tool_selection, shortcut kolesar defect major
#5097 [α Patch] possibility to repeat the last action (macro recording) new repeat action google summer of code team enhancement normal
#12455 Auto-detect network loss and enable `--offline=all` at start new slow, network, offline team enhancement normal
#12528 Zoom offset adjustment for one imagery template new wms imagery zoom offset team enhancement normal
#12532 History for imagery offset new offset team enhancement normal
#13914 More descriptive network connection issues message new network slow offline upload-api-response team enhancement normal
#13938 Provide faster way to edit imagery bookmark entries new offset team enhancement normal
#14965 Improve autofilters new autofilter team enhancement normal
#15624 [Patch draft] It would be far too easy to hijack a plugin with malicious code new plugin jar signing certificate tofu security team enhancement normal
#16409 Not rendering some office=* types new office icon team enhancement normal
#17562 Changing/creating the preset for embassies, consulate and liaison new office diplomatic embassy consulate liaison team enhancement normal
#18712 Extend offline mode to disallow downloads to third party sites new network offline team enhancement normal
#18904 JOSM requires 45s to start via mobile hotspot w/o mobile reception new network slow startup offline team defect normal
#19615 add mofa/moped=use_sidepath to access preset new template_report access use_sidepath mofa moped team enhancement normal
#21050 name of way drawn far from way new mappaint style name offset rebsc defect normal
#21054 Work offline does not work with imagery new template_report work offline team defect normal
#21098 Strange behavior of the gpx track loader when the connection is broken new template_report offline team defect normal
#21814 Please add a preset for post_office=* and modify the "Post Office" preset new post_office post_partner team enhancement normal
#21991 Remember camera position offset new position offset team enhancement normal
#21992 Smoother position correlation for automotive vehicules new position offset team enhancement normal
#22452 JOSM on Microsoft Store new microsoft store team defect normal
#23402 Error saving offset bookmark new template_report offset team defect normal
#24033 [Patch] There should be a validator warning for the deprecated key building:roof new building:roof team enhancement normal
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.