Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly reopened sentinel gsoc-candidate sotm19 team enhancement major
#16472 Add support to 360 / spherical image assigned 360, panorama, spherical sotmfr2019 Don-vip enhancement major
#17842 Integration with OSM wiki data items new sotmfr2019 wiki data item wikidata team enhancement major
#5405 Allow Zoom to marker for audio markers (and other marker types?) new V-900, audio files, center team enhancement normal
#17925 Support leap seconds assigned date time leap second utc gps sotmfr2019 Don-vip enhancement normal
#18161 Enable drag&drop for plugin.jar, presets.xml, style.mapcss, rules.validator.mapcss new sotm19 drag&drop team enhancement normal
#18978 Evaluate java.awt.Taskbar for JOSM (Java 9) new java9 java11 team enhancement normal
#19341 plugin scripting fails new template_report webstart java9 Gubaer defect normal
#19908 HelpBrowser: Illegal reflective access … o field javax.swing.text.html.ImageView.image new template_report java9 reflection team defect normal
#20160 [patch] [rfe] British National Grid projection EPSG:27700 new template_report projection OSGB_1936 OSGB36 team enhancement normal
#21563 Opening history of relation with high version number leads to exceeding OSM bandwidth limit new template_report history error 509 bandwidth limit download team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.