Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#14202 [Patch] Validator didn't complain about a node beeing used more than once in a closed way [regression?] team defect major latest fixed
#5243 validator: info about "street name contains (ss)" has to be turned around in Switzerland team defect normal latest fixed
#13932 Move some specific tests to country/regional rules Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#14093 [Patch] don't autofix "Missing power tower/pole within power line" team defect normal fixed
#14194 Remove warning when an highway is also a natural=ridge team defect normal fixed
#14201 Warning: width tagged to a natural=stone team defect normal fixed
#14252 Same translation wrongly used in two different contexts team defect normal fixed
#14256 Warn for aeroway=aerodrome|helipad + area=yes Klumbumbus enhancement normal fixed
#14280 Wrong warning with leisure=fitness_station + sport=fitness team defect normal fixed
#14288 Verify for improper usage of type=multipolygon in nodes and ways Klumbumbus enhancement normal fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.