Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#20025 [PATCH] Changeset tag `created_by` added to all uploads without informing the user team defect normal fixed
#20823 [patch] Reject uploads that do not follow either comment policy or source policy team enhancement normal fixed
#21005 Add compatibility with Java 18 Don-vip enhancement normal fixed
#21720 Delete Vietnamese localization team defect normal fixed
#21813 [Patch] Improve marker handling in sessions team enhancement normal tested fixed
#21893 [Patch] Improve move action (mouse drag of osm primitives) in MapMode by aligning movement if Ctrl modifier key is pressed team enhancement normal latest fixed
#21923 [Patch] Improve session workflow / Add "save session" team enhancement normal tested fixed
#22032 [PATCH][RFC] Various memory enhancements for MVT tiles team defect normal fixed
#22080 [RFC PATCH] UploadHooks modifyChangesetTags should be called prior to showing the user the upload dialog for non-late hooks team defect normal fixed
#22086 Filters stopped working after upgrading to v18427 GOwin defect normal irreproducible
#22088 [RFC PATCH] Debian start script does not properly check if a path does not exist or is not executable team defect normal fixed
#22104 [PATCH] Significantly reduce allocations in DataSetMerger when merging nodes team defect normal fixed
#22106 [PATCH] Avoid allocations for point objects (Nodes) in QuadBuckets team defect normal fixed
#22115 [PATCH][RFC] Extract methods from LatLon into ILatLon where they are generally applicable team defect normal fixed
#22139 [PATCH] Significantly reduce allocations in NodeElement team defect normal fixed
#22140 [PATCH] Significantly reduce allocations in AbstractMapRenderer#drawVirtualNodes team enhancement normal fixed
#22156 ArithmeticException: / by zero in$Nth.match taylor.smock defect normal fixed
#21422 [patch] Tile cache stats unreadable in debug mode team defect minor fixed
#22109 [WIP PATCH] IPv6-only system: Network is unreachable team defect minor latest fixed
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.