16 years |
guggis |
towards a fix for #3142: JOSM applet class no longer functional
16 years |
stotz |
Changed the default path where JMapViewer places it's tile disk cache: …
16 years |
stoecker |
adde set function
16 years |
szeller |
added possibility to define a cache directory for tiles
16 years |
szeller |
refactored the TileController out of JMapViewer, that it can be used …
16 years |
szeller |
added Coordinate, the interface MapSquare. MapSquares will be painted …
16 years |
stotz |
Max zoom of Cycle map corrected (=17)
16 years |
stotz |
consistent code formatting for all source files applied (e.g. …
16 years |
stoecker |
minor fixes
16 years |
stotz |
HTTP user agent configurable
16 years |
stotz |
OSM cycle maps URL changed from thunderflames.org to …
16 years |
stotz |
Patch by r_x and further small enhancements
16 years |
stotz |
Bug fix and optimization (patch provided by r_x)
16 years |
stotz |
tool tips for zoom controls
16 years |
stotz |
Increased maximum zoom and other minor modifications (thanks for the …
16 years |
stotz |
Sigelton instance creation is now 100% thread safe
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: Timing problem with instance variable as reported in #1438
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: Used methods were dependent on Java6
17 years |
stotz |
Demo classes excluded for default jar
17 years |
stotz |
small bug fixed
17 years |
stotz |
Dispatcher now created and disposes Thread dynamically; …
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Outer map border added
17 years |
stotz |
new: switching between different map types is now possible
17 years |
stotz |
new method: zoomChanged()
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Usage of TileLoader completely changed
17 years |
stotz |
Small changes to the way tiles are loaded
17 years |
stotz |
Missing check for right mouse button on movement added
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
New code was not compatible with Java 1.5 - reverted some parts back
17 years |
stotz |
Some credits to Tim…
17 years |
stotz |
Separate package for all interfaces; First draft of a file caching …
17 years |
stotz |
Some smaller changes to the controller
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Improved implementation of MemoryTileCache;
JMapViwer now paints map …
17 years |
stotz |
Replaced: strategy algorithm for displaying tiles of other zoom levels …
17 years |
stotz |
Initial commit of the java component "JMapView"
17 years |
stotz |
Directory created - content will follow soon
17 years |
spaetz |
add viewer directory