7 years |
donvip |
update README and tools (spotbugs, checkstyle 8.0)
7 years |
donvip |
see #josm15539 - add a new method to ease asynchronous testing (patch …
7 years |
donvip |
http://errorprone.info/bugpattern/JdkObsolete: use ArrayList instead …
8 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 2.3
8 years |
donvip |
update readme + checkstyle 7.8.2
8 years |
bastik |
see #josm14796 - increase the number of concurrent downloads from 3 to …
8 years |
donvip |
handle empty cookies
8 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 2.2
8 years |
donvip |
see #josm14832 - display the URL as attribution if text is missing
8 years |
donvip |
8 years |
donvip |
see #josm14832 - display the URL as attribution is text is missing
8 years |
bastik |
see #14796 - make API key an abstract getter
8 years |
bastik |
see #josm14796 - make use of private API_KEY field
8 years |
bastik |
see #josm14796 - various improvements for JMapViewer (patch by Chris …
8 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 2.1
8 years |
donvip |
sonar - fix various issues
8 years |
donvip |
sonar - squid:UndocumentedApi - Public types, methods and fields (API) …
8 years |
donvip |
update to Checkstyle 7.7
8 years |
bastik |
[jmapviewer] see #josm7427 - remove 'final' + extend toString()
8 years |
bastik |
[jmapviewer] class TileAnchor not needed in jmapviewer -> move to JOSM
8 years |
bastik |
[jmapviewer] see #josm7427 - remove unnecessary API
8 years |
bastik |
[jmapviewer] see #josm7427 - adapt the Tile class a bit, so it can …
8 years |
bastik |
[jmapviewer] see #josm7427 - add copy constructor
8 years |
bastik |
see #josm7427 - add interface and class for projected coordinates; add …
8 years |
bastik |
[jmapviewer] move TileRange class to jmapviewer
8 years |
donvip |
error-prone - enums should be immutable, and cannot have non-final fields
8 years |
simon04 |
see #josm13376 - Use TimeUnit instead of combinations of 1000/60/60/24
8 years |
simon04 |
Fix http://errorprone.info/bugpattern/NarrowingCompoundAssignment
8 years |
wiktorn |
Use images supporting transpracency for placeholders loaded from …
9 years |
donvip |
fix #13222 - Use visitor pattern for painting tiles (patch by …
9 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 2.0
9 years |
glebius |
Explicitly set tileSize and explain why.
9 years |
glebius |
Add possibility to specify a custom templated URL to be used with …
9 years |
glebius |
Remove stray newline in comment.
9 years |
glebius |
Restore proper operation of ScanexTileSource, broken by donvip …
9 years |
donvip |
error-prone - fix warning OperatorPrecedence + javadoc
9 years |
donvip |
error-prone - fix warning SynchronizeOnNonFinalField
9 years |
donvip |
fix #13210 - Start extracting coordinate conversion out of tile source …
9 years |
donvip |
remove unused constructor
9 years |
donvip |
see #josm13137 - remove remaining MapQuest class
9 years |
donvip |
see #josm11390 - switch to Java 8
9 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 1.18
9 years |
simon04 |
see #josm13137 - Remove MapQuest Open
9 years |
wiktorn |
* small pretty print fixes (MemoryTileCache, TileSet)
9 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 1.17
9 years |
donvip |
sonar - squid:S2148 / squid:S1449
9 years |
donvip |
checkstyle: enable SingleSpaceSeparator
9 years |
donvip |
add new method to handle exceptions
9 years |
donvip |
Release JMapViewer 1.16 with update of checkstyle to 6.19
9 years |
donvip |
fix some sonar issues
9 years |
donvip |
sonar - squid:S2221 - "Exception" should not be caught when not …
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.18, add SonarLint configuration
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.17
9 years |
wiktorn |
Fix NPE when no content is defined.
Closes: #josm12637
9 years |
donvip |
Release JMapViewer 1.15 (fix archive)
9 years |
donvip |
Release JMapViewer 1.15
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.16
9 years |
wiktorn |
Fix regression bug from [31301]. Closes #josm#12571.
9 years |
bastik |
see #josm12539 - option to reverse zoom with mouse wheel
9 years |
wiktorn |
Snap scale to mercator zoom levels.
See #josm12350.
Patch submitted …
9 years |
bastik |
see #josm12437 - change preference type to MultiMap
9 years |
stoecker |
style cleanup
9 years |
wiktorn |
Refactor structure of TMS based classes.
Move OsmMercator …
9 years |
wiktorn |
Finish removal of tile-size workaround code started in [josm9617].
9 years |
donvip |
see #josm12425 - checkstyle
9 years |
stoecker |
see #josm12425 - fix handling of equal no tile headers with different …
9 years |
stoecker |
add checksum based no-tile detection, see #josm12425
9 years |
donvip |
refactoring - global simplification of use of setLayout method - …
9 years |
wiktorn |
Clear the queue of JMapViewer when panning map and switch to …
9 years |
donvip |
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.14.1
9 years |
donvip |
fix javadoc
9 years |
donvip |
Release JMapViewer 1.14
9 years |
donvip |
update to checkstyle 6.14 (no new warning)
9 years |
simon04 |
Use HTTPS for Bing Aerial
9 years |
donvip |
sonar - Performance - Method passes constant String of length 1 to …
9 years |
donvip |
sonar - squid:S00117 - Local variable and method parameter names …
9 years |
donvip |
sonar - squid:S3052 - Fields should not be initialized to default values
9 years |
donvip |
[jmapviewer] update to checkstyle 6.13
9 years |
donvip |
9 years |
donvip |
update to CheckStyle 6.12.1
9 years |
donvip |
Release JMapViewer 1.13
9 years |
wiktorn |
Fix high CPU usage when showing small tiles.
- …
9 years |
donvip |
update to Checkstyle 6.11.2 and release JMapViewer 1.12
9 years |
wiktorn |
Fix missing tiles in cache, when tiles list is short (ex. low zoom …
9 years |
wiktorn |
Do not wait on accessing attribution.
As getAttribution is called in …
9 years |
wiktorn |
All access to MemoryTIleCache will move cached object to the front of …
9 years |
wiktorn |
Fix for MemoryTileCache growing uncontrolled
9 years |
wiktorn |
loading a tile does not mean, that the tile is not loaded. If the tile …
9 years |
donvip |
release JMapViewer 1.11
9 years |
donvip |
fix Checkstyle issues
9 years |
donvip |
update to CheckStyle 6.11
9 years |
donvip |
remove deprecated code
9 years |
wiktorn |
Introduce method for marking tile as canceled
9 years |
donvip |
fix Checkstyle issues
9 years |
wiktorn |
Move tile loading to separate thread to prevent blocking EDT thread …
9 years |
wiktorn |
Move tile loading to separate thread to prevent blocking EDT thread …
9 years |
wiktorn |
Move tile loading to separate thread to prevent blocking EDT thread …
9 years |
donvip |
fix javadoc, update to Checkstyle 6.10.1
9 years |
wiktorn |
Remove org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.JobDispatcher as it is not use …