16 years |
stoecker |
16 years |
stoecker |
adapted plugins to JOSm 1722, UtilsPlugin still has a problem
16 years |
frederik |
minof fixes to some JOSM plugins to reflect changes in the Visitor …
16 years |
christofd |
added file
16 years |
stoecker |
fix the menu changes in JOSM
16 years |
stoecker |
some validator fixes, reenabled debug
16 years |
stoecker |
cleanup build scripts and manifests
16 years |
stoecker |
Suppress warning
16 years |
skela |
applications/editors/josm: Set svn:eol-style native on all *.java …
16 years |
skela |
editors/josm/plugins: Adjust svn:ignore.
16 years |
stoecker |
fixes for new plugin handling
16 years |
stoecker |
text cleanup
16 years |
stoecker |
removed tab stop usage
16 years |
stoecker |
removed tab stop usage
16 years |
stoecker |
updated version
16 years |
stoecker |
updated shortcut handling
16 years |
frederik |
changes in some JOSM plugins due to a renamed class in JOSM.
17 years |
stoecker |
some updates
17 years |
christofd |
added patch from Marcus Wolschon to make it compile again
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins/*/build.xml: add echo to identify which compile failes
17 years |
ulf |
svn-ignore josm plugin build dirs
17 years |
christofd |
do not use RawGpsLayer but GpxLayer now (add wpt to gpx, so markers do …
17 years |
christofd |
do not use RawGpsLayer but GpxLayer now (add wpt to gpx, so markers do …
17 years |
christofd |
commented test actions
17 years |
christofd |
fixed i18n for error message for duplicate buttons
17 years |
joerg |
josm: move plugins/dist directory one level up
17 years |
ulf |
add icons and keyboard shortcuts to the menu items
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
frederik |
temporary changes to support new gpx handling in JOSM; CAUTION: …
17 years |
gabriel |
Build all JOSM plugins for 1.5 by default.
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins/*build.xml: now we use the unique target dist for …
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins: reindent build Files, sort plugin build order
18 years |
christofd |
made it easier for translators
18 years |
christofd |
new version, ButtonDescription, renamed setType to setButtonType due …
18 years |
christofd |
new version, fixed problem with "<" in waypoint names
18 years |
christofd |
fix problem with names including a <
18 years |
christofd |
added gpl v2 license
18 years |
christofd |
added copyright comment
18 years |
imi |
fixed build.xml and several svn:ignore's for JOSM plugins
18 years |
christofd |
new action that emits a beep
18 years |
christofd |
use debug variable
18 years |
christofd |
reorganize imports
18 years |
christofd |
use debug mode for offline test
18 years |
christofd |
moved resources into separate directory
made play sound in background …
18 years |
ulf |
surveyor: fix path to livegps.jar
18 years |
ulf |
add remaining plugins to the global build
18 years |
christofd |
renamed to TaggingPresetAction
18 years |
christofd |
new version (new version of josm)
18 years |
christofd |
renamed to taggingpresetaction
18 years |
imi |
renamed annotataion presets to tagging presets
18 years |
christofd |
added future code to check livegps plugin availability
18 years |
christofd |
added site generation for pluginmanagement
most values are put into …
18 years |
christofd |
added plugin version
18 years |
christofd |
made 1.5 compatible (no @Override for interface methods)
18 years |
christofd |
made 1.5 compatible (no @Override for interface methods)
18 years |
christofd |
made 1.5 compatible (no @Override for interface methods)
18 years |
christofd |
added hotkeys for zoomin, zoomout and autocenter to component
18 years |
christofd |
added hotkey
18 years |
christofd |
check for duplicate keys
adopted to new way in gpsdata
18 years |
christofd |
made methods public
18 years |
christofd |
only forward data if gps has a fix
18 years |
christofd |
added comment, code beautification
18 years |
christofd |
added todo
18 years |
christofd |
changed completely
18 years |
christofd |
fixed bug on point time format
18 years |
christofd |
make backup before saving
18 years |
christofd |
write data to surveyor...osm file, not to file of datalayer
18 years |
christofd |
fixed time format in gpx export
18 years |
christofd |
fixed time format in gpx export
18 years |
christofd |
fixed time format in gpx export
18 years |
christofd |
moved away from test package
18 years |
christofd |
add autoclosing dialog for waypoints to set addtional info
18 years |
christofd |
fixed behavior on setting row/columns
18 years |
christofd |
initial checkin
18 years |
christofd |
using the original livegps now
small fixes in build variable usage
18 years |
christofd |
using the original livegps now
18 years |
christofd |
added large label for the current way information
18 years |
christofd |
do not derive from livegpsplugin anymore, only use it
18 years |
christofd |
removed unused imports, added serial ids for all classes that needed …
18 years |
christofd |
do not set a node, annotation preset uses the selected object
18 years |
christofd |
moved test code
18 years |
christofd |
moved test code
18 years |
christofd |
set frame to stay on top
18 years |
christofd |
add frame set/getter
18 years |
christofd |
removed test code
move surveyor frame to front after action execution
18 years |
christofd |
changed AnnotationPreset behavior (need a SetNodeAction first)
18 years |
christofd |
using the real preset dialog
18 years |
christofd |
Initial import.
18 years |
christofd |
Initial import.