17 years |
stoecker |
fixed plugin versioning a bit, removed autogenerated file from svn, …
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins/*/build.xml: add echo to identify which compile failes
17 years |
joerg |
josm: move plugins/dist directory one level up
17 years |
hakan |
Drop-down preferences dialog for tile sources
17 years |
hakan |
pref.put() automatically saves, no need to do that again
17 years |
hakan |
Ask a Preferences holder for tile URLs
17 years |
hakan |
Constant interface
17 years |
hakan |
Refactoring into clean package structure
17 years |
hakan |
Listen to our own preferences
17 years |
hakan |
Extract clearTileStorage() for later use
17 years |
hakan |
Ignore the serialVersionUID warning
17 years |
hakan |
Reformatted a little bit
17 years |
hakan |
Refactoring into clean package structure
17 years |
hakan |
Refactoring into clean package structure
17 years |
hakan |
Fetch map tiles from the official server
17 years |
hakan |
Fix project name for eclipse
17 years |
ulf |
resize icon to 16*16 pixel, so it fits better into the layer dialog
17 years |
ulf |
change the install target, so it uses the right home dir even on windows
17 years |
frederik |
removed unused references to RawGpsLayer
17 years |
gabriel |
Build all JOSM plugins for 1.5 by default.
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugin/*/*.jar: remove old scattered *.jar Files
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins/*build.xml: now we use the unique target dist for …
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins: reindent build Files, sort plugin build order
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins/build.xml: remove surveyor plugin, because it's not compiling
17 years |
joerg |
josm/plugins: add clean target to some plugins, reactivate compiling …
17 years |
frederik |
new features for slippymap plugin: show tile details, request update, …
18 years |
frederik |
added PD license
18 years |
imi |
fixed bug in slippymap that referenced the wrong LayerChangeListener
18 years |
imi |
fixed build.xml and several svn:ignore's for JOSM plugins
18 years |
ulf |
add remaining plugins to the global build
18 years |
frederik |
copied from utils/josm/plugins/slippymap
18 years |
frederik |
initial check-in. very "alpha" code, just about works but lots of …