6 months |
taylor.smock |
Set minimum JOSM version to r19044
r19044 was the first Java 11+ only …
4 years |
taylor.smock |
AlignWays: recompile for compatibility with JOSM r17896
4 years |
taylor.smock |
alignways: recompile for compatibility with JOSM r17867
5 years |
gerdp |
increase plugin.main.version
7 years |
donvip |
rename package, fix checkstyle and javadoc warnings
7 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 14153
7 years |
donvip |
update to JOSM 12840
8 years |
donvip |
fix #josm11923, fix #josm12132, fix #josm14315 - AlignWays: way …
9 years |
donvip |
see #josm11390 - switch to Java 8
9 years |
donvip |
remove calls to deprecated methods
9 years |
stoecker |
use more https links
9 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] use https links to OSM wiki
11 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] support for unit tests
11 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] add eclipse projects + fix "includeantruntime" warnings
11 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] switch plugins to Java 7
11 years |
donvip |
revert destructive commit r30196
12 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] fix #8987 - bump min JOSM version of nearly all plugins …
12 years |
akks |
[josm_plugins]: move more plugin items to new menus, set minimum JOSM …
12 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
13 years |
donvip |
[josm_alignways] Bump JOSM version as plugin needs to be recompiled …
13 years |
stoecker |
fix shortcut deprecation
13 years |
stoecker |
fix deprecaction
13 years |
akks |
'AlignWays: moved to Shift-Spacebar due to shortcut confilcts with …
13 years |
akks |
'AlignWays: help shortcut parser'
13 years |
tilusnet |
* Added new, angle preserving aligning mode
* Improvements and bugfixes
13 years |
larry0ua |
'added layerIsSupported to main mapmode'
14 years |
akks |
'fix shortcut conflict with UtilsPlugin2'
14 years |
stoecker |
fix build version due to core change
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n update, split plugin and core translation
14 years |
stoecker |
update all plugins
14 years |
bastik |
'fix shortcut conflict'
14 years |
jttt |
Update to latest josm
15 years |
bastik |
'Update to josm latest'
15 years |
bastik |
add icon links
15 years |
tilusnet |
Missed "project name" in build.xml
15 years |
tilusnet |
Initial revision.