11 years |
simon04 |
JOSM/plugins: harmonize strings for "(house number) increment"
11 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] update to [josm6340]
11 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
12 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] fix #8987 - bump min JOSM version of nearly all plugins …
12 years |
donvip |
[josm_plugins] bunch of tiny things
12 years |
bastik |
i18n update
12 years |
akks |
[josm_plugins]: see #josm6355 - Move most of the other plugins to …
12 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
12 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
12 years |
stoecker |
small i18n update
12 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
12 years |
stoecker |
build script cleanups, i18n update
13 years |
stoecker |
i18n update, remove licensechange plugin
13 years |
stoecker |
i18n update for josm plugins
13 years |
simon04 |
JOSM/plugins: I18n update
13 years |
simon04 |
JOSM/plugins: I18n update
13 years |
akks |
fixes due to core UrlLabel changes
13 years |
stoecker |
fix shortcut deprecation
13 years |
stoecker |
fix shortcut conflicts
13 years |
stoecker |
fix deprecation issue
13 years |
stoecker |
remove ar, he and is languages
13 years |
stoecker |
update josm plugin i18n
13 years |
stoecker |
josm plugin i18n update
13 years |
stoecker |
josm plugins i18n update
13 years |
stoecker |
josm i18n update
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
14 years |
stoecker |
fix build version due to core change
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
14 years |
stoecker |
josm i18n update
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
14 years |
stoecker |
i18n update, split plugin and core translation
14 years |
stoecker |
update all plugins
14 years |
miken |
Correct order of deleting Addr Interpolation way to prevent temporary …
14 years |
stoecker |
remove tabs
14 years |
miken |
Bug fix JOSM trac #5393 NPE when changing interpolation method.
15 years |
bastik |
'Impoved Icon'
15 years |
bastik |
add icon links
15 years |
guggis |
'Changed constructor for Plugin'
15 years |
miken |
JOSM Plugin: Convert address to way
15 years |
jttt |
Rebuild necessary after changes in selection handling in Dataset
15 years |
jttt |
Replace Dataset.nodes with getNodes(), etc
15 years |
miken |
Address Interpolation Plugin: Update to use undoRedo to manipulate objects
15 years |
miken |
Address Interpolation Plugin: Remove deprecated select procedure
15 years |
miken |
JOSM Adr Interpolation Plugin - Accept numeric plus alpha combo
15 years |
miken |
JOSM Addr Interpolation Plugin Add numbering scheme Auto detection
15 years |
miken |
JOSM Addr Interpolation Plugin Update dialog layout
15 years |
miken |
Remove build folder from SVN, update for JOSM accessors
15 years |
miken |