14 years |
upliner |
update imagery jar
14 years |
upliner |
update slippymap and imagery plugins
14 years |
upliner |
publish imagery plugin
14 years |
beata.jancso |
the MapDust plugin .jar file
14 years |
upliner |
imagery: again NPE fix
14 years |
upliner |
Publish imagery plugin
14 years |
bastik |
'change ToU to the osm specific one (like it is done in Potlatch 2)'
14 years |
bastik |
'publish the bing imagery support (was added by yellowbkpk); change …
14 years |
stoecker |
14 years |
gslater |
Disable Bing Aerial for now. Waiting for legal approval.
14 years |
yellowbkpk |
Updating Slippymap plugin with support for Bing aerial maps.
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: latest JAR
14 years |
ocroquette |
Reverted wrong change to build.xml and updated JAR with the latest …
14 years |
boman |
Updated OpeningHoursEditor to 24290
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: added rename action
14 years |
ocroquette |
PicLayer: name of the layer is now the name of the loaded file by default
14 years |
ocroquette |
Precision of rotation and scaling is now increased when pressing the …
14 years |
upliner |
Update buildings_tools jar
14 years |
bastik |
'applied JOSM Ticket 4498 (patch by ax) - oauth support for gpx upload …
14 years |
bastik |
publish plugin
14 years |
oliverw |
Updated FixAddresses.jar:
- Sort tables by clicking on the header
- …
14 years |
upliner |
'Add getDx() and getDy() methods to WMSLayer to enable other plugins …
14 years |
extropy |
Pdfimport: more options, fixed merge close nodes regression.
14 years |
upliner |
Add restart plugin
14 years |
extropy |
pdfimport: fixed excess clipping path painting.
14 years |
extropy |
pdfimport: progress bar and rotation autodetection.
14 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix: Treat "addr:state" as optional
14 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix: NP exception when removing data layer
14 years |
oliverw |
- Dialog for incomplete addresses
- Address data by …
14 years |
guggis |
'Fixing #5614 - JOSM Plugin turn Restrictions'
14 years |
bastik |
'applied patch by ax (JOSM ticket 5602) - photo_geotagging fails to …
14 years |
extropy |
PdfImport: parallel segements removal.
14 years |
extropy |
pdfimport: Fixed bug in path joining.
14 years |
extropy |
Improvements in pdfimport
14 years |
fichtennadel |
'fixed proj4 Parameters (thanks to Hetzi + Mikael Rittri)'
14 years |
fichtennadel |
'fixed Manifest'
14 years |
oliverw |
Update due to RT ex in paint routine.
14 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix #5598
14 years |
extropy |
Pdfimport: Improved processing.
14 years |
oliverw |
- Bugfix #5558: Plugin crashed on GPX file - top-level waypoints have …
14 years |
oliverw |
Version 23974
- Consider addresses within ways (e. g. buildings)
- …
14 years |
oliverw |
Bugfix: Concurrent modification ex when launching dialog.
14 years |
oliverw |
- Bugfix: Action states were not updated on selection change.
- …
14 years |
oliverw |
Renamed plugin name/fixed plugin path and URL.
14 years |
oliverw |
Added FixAddresses plugin.
14 years |
nakor |
Added more types and precision option for duplicated nodes
14 years |
stoecker |
new url
14 years |
bilbo |
Fixed multipoly.jar
14 years |
bilbo |
Fixed jar for multipoly plugin
14 years |
bilbo |
New JAR for multipoly plugin
14 years |
extropy |
Improvements to PDFimport plugin.
14 years |
extropy |
Added pdfimport plugin.
14 years |
extropy |
'adapt to latest josm'
14 years |
bastik |
'update (23630 was committed together with the code which is not right)'
14 years |
bastik |
'adapt to latest josm'
14 years |
bastik |
14 years |
bastik |
'see JOSM # 5574 (patch by julianladisch) - do not warn for endpoint …
14 years |
oliverw |
Updated plugins ColumbusCSV and ElevationProfile.
14 years |
oliverw |
Added plugin jars for ColumbusCSV and ElevationProfile.
14 years |
upliner |
Further SVG import fixes
14 years |
upliner |
importvec: ignore DTDs
14 years |
upliner |
importvec bugfixes, first working version
14 years |
mgarbe |
corrected bug: making time anonymous reintegrated
14 years |
fichtennadel |
'fixed Manifest'
14 years |
fichtennadel |
'Initial release'
14 years |
upliner |
add cursor for "draw building" mapmode
14 years |
malcolmh |
'Bug fix release'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'remove classpath property for now (preliminary fix for josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'remove classpath property for now (preliminary fix for josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'remove classpath property for now (preliminary fix for josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
guggis |
fixed #5544 - Move Help page for plugin turnrestrictions
fixed #5522 - …
14 years |
jttt |
14 years |
stoecker |
14 years |
stoecker |
14 years |
jttt |
Updated to latest josm
14 years |
bastik |
'remove classpath property for now (preliminary fix for josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
bastik |
'change classpath (see josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
guggis |
'Migration to Java6 - making use of JTable::setFillsViewportHeight()'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
14 years |
jttt |
14 years |
pieren |
Requires josm 3530 and later. Add an additional parameter in the …
14 years |
tordanik |
option to change graph colors; closes ticket 5523 in JOSM Trac
14 years |
jttt |
Adapt to latest JOSM
14 years |
miken |
JOSM AddrInterpolation plugin update BINARY
14 years |
bastik |
'remember selection of mtime (save to preference file)'
14 years |
stoecker |
add missing setValueAt()
14 years |
bastik |
'Update main version'
14 years |
upliner |
'remember buildings tags'
14 years |
upliner |
'show error if script cannot be executed'
14 years |
bastik |
'use consistent plugin name (don't mix up the words)'
14 years |
bastik |
'fix main class; add link'
14 years |
bastik |
'fixed #j5485 - class path property does not work like this (causes crash)'
14 years |
fkowitz |
plugin added to repository
14 years |
upliner |
'fix bug with handling for incomplete relation members'
14 years |
upliner |
'fix #j5160, update MultiOsmReader, some refactoring, some small bugfixes'
14 years |
jttt |
15 years |
stoecker |
15 years |
stoecker |
15 years |
krokkofant |
'bugfix of search when layer is added'