8 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
8 years |
Don-vip |
improve unit tests of OsmReader
8 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
8 years |
bastiK |
see #11889 - backport improved version of Math.toDegrees and …
8 years |
stoecker |
update i18n
8 years |
Don-vip |
add upload=never flag on all .osm files
8 years |
GerdP |
fix unit test data, remove debug code
8 years |
GerdP |
improve MultipolygonTest to fix #13307, add special case to unit test …
8 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
8 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14536 - Improved ExifReader.readTime() , Refactored …
8 years |
bastiK |
add unit test for join areas action
8 years |
stoecker |
i18n update
8 years |
bastiK |
see #5399 - update ProjectionRefTest
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #5399 - Swissgrid: add NTv2 grid file provided by swisstopo
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14422 - update unit test
8 years |
bastiK |
switch to little-endian version of the french ntv2 grid file
both …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14422 - Dynamic NTV2 grids
8 years |
stoecker |
fix one string
8 years |
stoecker |
update i18n
8 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
8 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
8 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
8 years |
bastiK |
see #13307 - fix unit test (patch by Gerd Petermann)
8 years |
bastiK |
applied #13307 - various improvements to MultipolygonTest (patch by …
8 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
8 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
8 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13570 - Coastline validator doesn't report some problems and is …
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
bastiK |
i18n update
9 years |
Don-vip |
see #11924 - remove deprecated code, reduce double precision in unit …
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
bastiK |
fix svn:eol property
9 years |
bastiK |
reduce size of reference data (8 points per entry) -> more manageable …
9 years |
bastiK |
update reference data for Sinusoidal projection (see #11516)
9 years |
simon04 |
see #11516 - Add Sinusoidal projection
9 years |
Don-vip |
see #12186, #11924 - update projection regression test file for Java 9 …
9 years |
Don-vip |
fix #12377 - detect intersecting outer members in multipolygons
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
bastiK |
use intended units for east/north coordinates (see #12186)
When …
9 years |
bastiK |
update test data
9 years |
simon04 |
see #12485 - Add unit test for nmea reading
9 years |
bastiK |
rewrite of ProjectionRefTest - now covers all projections (see #12186)
9 years |
bastiK |
fix bounds (see #12186)
9 years |
bastiK |
remove GRS80 as datum code (see #12186)
9 years |
bastiK |
update regression test (see #12186)
9 years |
bastiK |
fix bounds that are too large and make tests fail (see #12186)
9 years |
bastiK |
update to EPSG v8.8
(see https://github.com/OSGeo/proj.4/commit/832329a9a)
9 years |
bastiK |
add 2 standard parallel & non-spherical variants for Mercator …
9 years |
bastiK |
added Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection (see #12186)
(imports …
9 years |
bastiK |
always normalize longitude before projection and after inverse …
9 years |
bastiK |
see #12186 - add Cassini-Soldner Projection
(imports pieces of code …
9 years |
bastiK |
see #12186 - update tests
9 years |
bastiK |
see #12186 - add Oblique Mercator projection
(imports pieces of code …
9 years |
simon04 |
fix #11685 - Use sub-second exif/xmp data
9 years |
Don-vip |
see #12377 - add multipolygon unit test
9 years |
simon04 |
Add unit test for CorrelateGpxWithImages
9 years |
Don-vip |
see #12186, #11924 - update projection regression test file for Java 9 …
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
From a manual export via Launchpad
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
bastiK |
see #12186 - add more projections
The list of projections is now …
9 years |
bastiK |
see #12186 - move one more file
9 years |
bastiK |
see #12186 - move projection data files to separate directory
9 years |
bastiK |
applied #12185 - support latitude of natural origin for Transverse …
9 years |
bastiK |
fixed #12188 - ProjectionRegressionTest failure after [9106]
9 years |
bastiK |
add svn:eolstyle
9 years |
bastiK |
applied #12181 - regression test for Netherlands RD projection (patch …
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
simon04 |
fix #11939 - MapCSS: fix parent_tag() in ∈ and ⧉ tests
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
9 years |
Don-vip |
fix #11889 - adapt projection regression test to Java 9 for Jenkins build
9 years |
Don-vip |
fix #11889 - adapt projection regression test to Java 9 for Jenkins build
9 years |
Don-vip |
fix #11889 - adapt projection regression test to Java 9. Safe …
9 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
10 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
10 years |
simon04 |
I18n update
10 years |
wiktorn |
Introduce WMS layer based on TMS. (closes: #11255)
HEADS UP: After …
10 years |
Don-vip |
i18n update
10 years |
Don-vip |
i18n update
10 years |
Don-vip |
fix #11512 - update unit test
10 years |
stoecker |
i18n update, add Belarusian
10 years |
stoecker |
add Vietnamese language
10 years |
stoecker |
i18n update in case of a new release
10 years |
stoecker |
split core translation into two parts
10 years |
stoecker |
disable old empty internal tagchecker file
10 years |
bastiK |
see #10962 - add sample photos
10 years |
bastiK |
add regression data for new projections
10 years |
stoecker |
see #10529 - add another test case for inner/outer
10 years |
stoecker |
see #10529 - fix one validator test case for multipolygon
10 years |
stoecker |
10 years |
stoecker |
improve display with newer styles
11 years |
Don-vip |
update proguard to version 5.0 + debian/ubuntu stuff
11 years |
Don-vip |
see #10479 - revert changes on data_nodist/*.jpg (we need EXIF …
11 years |
Don-vip |
fix #10479 - optimize PNG/JPG images