# Regression Readme ## Generating nodes.json, ways.json, and relations.json In order to generate these jsons, you will want a list of the objects. You can get this by selecting the objects in JOSM and copying them. Example: ``` node 1 node 2 ``` **Warning**: JOSM will not copy deleted objects to clipboard. Once you have the list, you can run the following command: ```shell # Note: `pbpaste` is for mac, `xclip -selection clipboard -o` is for x11 linux, and `wl-paste` (from `wl-clipboard`) is for linux wayland $ wl-paste | \ awk '{print "https://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.6/" $1 "/" $2 "/history.json" " -o " $1 "_" $2 ".json"}' | \ xargs curl -L $ jq -s '.[0].elements=([.[].elements]|flatten)|.[0]' node_*.json > nodes.json $ jq -s '.[0].elements=([.[].elements]|flatten)|.[0]' way_*.json > ways.json $ jq -s '.[0].elements=([.[].elements]|flatten)|.[0]' relation_*.json > relations.json ```