README ====== The Imagery Cache Export plugin exports the images from the internal imagery layer store into the file system. Author: holgermappt License: GPL v2 or later Image imageryexport.png is a combination of save_as.png scaled to 16x16 and imagery_small.png. Both are from JOSM core, GPL v2 or later. Cache Key Rules --------------- * Images in the cache are accessed with a key. * The key is composed of: + ":" + * see TMSCachedTileLoaderJob.getCacheKey() * is the layer name with colons replaced by underscores. The layer name is localized. * depends on the layer type: * TMS: + "/" + + "/" + + "/" + * WMS, WMTS: + Key examples: TMS: Bing aerial imagery: Mapbox Satellitenbild:http://{switch:a,b,c}{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=abc/14/8816/5479 WMS: SDFE Overflade Skyggekort (40 cm):,7514066.1667892,1056664.5724108,7533634.0451892EPSG:3857 WMTS: Geoportal 2_ Luftbild WMTS: