-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jcoord readme.txt (c) 2006 Jonathan Stott Created on 11-Feb-2006 1.0 - 11 Feb 2006 - Initial version created from PHPcoord v2.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jcoord is a collection of Java classes that provide functions for handling various co-ordinate systems and converting between them. Currently, OSGB (Ordnance Survey of Great Britain) grid references, UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) references and latitude/longitude are supported. A function is also provided to find the surface distance between two points of latitude and longitude. When using the OSGB conversions, the majority of applications use the WGS84 datum rather than the OSGB36 datum. Conversions between the two data were added in v1.1 - the conversions should be accurate to within 5m or so. If accuracy is not important (i.e. to within 200m or so), then it isn't necessary to perform the conversions. Examples of how to use the classes in Jcoord can be found in the uk.me.jstott.jcoord.Test class See http://www.jstott.me.uk/jcoord/ for latest releases and information. DISCLAIMER Accuracy of the co-ordinate conversions contained within the Jcoord package is not guaranteed. Use of the conversions is entirely at your own risk and I cannot be held responsible for any consequences of errors created by the conversions. I do not recommend using the package for mission-critical applications. LICENSING This software product is available under the GNU General Public License (GPL). Terms of the GPL can be read at http://www.jstott.me.uk/gpl/. Any commercial use requires the purchase of a license - contact me at jcoord@jstott.me.uk for details.