Provides the classes for remote control handlers (features exposed to the browser).
Interface Summary Interface Description AuthorizationHandler.AuthorizationConsumer The actual authorization consumer/handler -
Class Summary Class Description AddNodeHandler Handler for add_node request.AddWayHandler Adds a way to the current dataset.AuthorizationHandler Handle authorization requests (mostly OAuth)AuthorizationHandler.ResponseRecord A basic record for changing responsesFeaturesHandler Reports available commands, their parameters and examplesImageryHandler Adds an imagery (WMS/TMS) layer.ImportHandler Handler for import requestLoadAndZoomHandler Handler forload_and_zoom
requests.LoadDataHandler Handler to load data directly from the URL.LoadDataHandler.LoadDataTask LoadObjectHandler Loads OSM primitives using their ID similar to the "Download object" dialog (@see DownloadPrimitiveAction}.OpenApiHandler Reports available commands as OpenAPI.OpenFileHandler Opens a local fileRequestHandler This is the parent of all classes that handle a specific remote control commandRequestHandler.PermissionCache RequestHandler.RawURLParseRequestHandler Handler that takes a URL as a parameter.VersionHandler Handler for version request. -
Exception Summary Exception Description RequestHandler.RequestHandlerBadRequestException Error raised for bad requests.RequestHandler.RequestHandlerErrorException Error raised when a runtime error occurred.RequestHandler.RequestHandlerException Base exception of remote control handler errors.RequestHandler.RequestHandlerForbiddenException Error raised for forbidden usage.RequestHandler.RequestHandlerOsmApiException Error raised for OSM API errors.