Package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.preferences.server
Provides classes for handling connection preferences, including server authentication and proxy settings.
Interface Summary Interface Description ProxyPreferenceListener Listener called when proxy settings are updated. -
Class Summary Class Description ApiUrlTestTask This is an asynchronous task for testing whether an URL points to an OSM API server.AuthenticationPreferencesPanel This is the preference panel for the authentication method and the authentication parameters.BasicAuthenticationPreferencesPanel The preferences panel for parameters necessary for the Basic Authentication Scheme.FeaturesPanel Preferences panel for OSM messages notifier.OAuthAuthenticationPreferencesPanel The preferences panel for the OAuth 1.0a preferences.OsmApiUrlInputPanel Component allowing input os OSM API URL.OsmApiUrlInputPanel.ApiUrlValidator OverpassServerPanel Preferences related to Overpass API servers.ProxyPreference Proxy sub-preferences in server preferences.ProxyPreference.Factory Factory used to create a newProxyPreference
.ProxyPreferencesPanel Component allowing input of proxy settings.ProxyPreferencesPanel.AutoSizePanel ServerAccessPreference Connection preferences, including authentication and proxy sub-preferences.ServerAccessPreference.Factory Factory used to create a newServerAccessPreference
.UserNameValidator Validator for OSM username.