Class PluginPreferencesModel

    • Method Detail

      • filterDisplayedPlugins

        public void filterDisplayedPlugins​(PluginInstallation status)
        Filters the list of displayed plugins by installation status.
        status - The filter used against installation status
      • filterDisplayedPlugins

        public void filterDisplayedPlugins​(java.lang.String filter)
        Filters the list of displayed plugins by text.
        filter - The filter used against plugin name, description or version
      • setAvailablePlugins

        public void setAvailablePlugins​(java.util.Collection<PluginInformation> available)
        Sets the list of available plugins.
        available - The available plugins
      • updateAvailablePlugins

        public void updateAvailablePlugins​(java.util.Collection<PluginInformation> fromPluginSite)
        Updates the list of plugin information objects with new information from plugin update sites.
        fromPluginSite - plugin information read from plugin update sites
      • getSelectedPlugins

        public java.util.List<PluginInformationgetSelectedPlugins()
        Replies the list of selected plugin information objects
        the list of selected plugin information objects
      • getSelectedPluginNames

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSelectedPluginNames()
        Replies the set of selected plugin information objects
        the set of selected plugin information objects
      • sort

        protected void sort()
        Sorts the list of available plugins
      • getDisplayedPlugins

        public java.util.List<PluginInformationgetDisplayedPlugins()
        Replies the list of plugin information to display.
        the list of plugin information to display
      • setPluginSelected

        public void setPluginSelected​(java.lang.String name,
                                      boolean selected)
        Sets whether the plugin is selected or not.
        name - the name of the plugin
        selected - true, if selected; false, otherwise
      • clearPendingPlugins

        public void clearPendingPlugins​(java.util.Collection<PluginInformation> plugins)
        Removes all the plugin in plugins from the list of plugins with a pending download
        plugins - the list of plugins to clear for a pending download
      • getPluginInformation

        public PluginInformation getPluginInformation​(java.lang.String name)
        Replies the plugin info with the name name. null, if no such plugin info exists.
        name - the name. If null, replies null.
        the plugin info.
      • initFromPreferences

        public void initFromPreferences()
        Initializes the model from preferences
      • isSelectedPlugin

        public boolean isSelectedPlugin​(java.lang.String name)
        Replies true if the plugin with name name is currently selected in the plugin model
        name - the plugin name
        true if the plugin is selected; false, otherwise
      • getNewlyActivatedPlugins

        public java.util.List<PluginInformationgetNewlyActivatedPlugins()
        Replies the list of plugins which have been added by the user to the set of activated plugins.
        the list of newly activated plugins
      • getNewlyDeactivatedPlugins

        public java.util.List<PluginInformationgetNewlyDeactivatedPlugins()
        Replies the list of plugins which have been removed by the user from the set of deactivated plugins.
        the list of newly deactivated plugins
      • getNewlyActivatedPluginNames

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getNewlyActivatedPluginNames()
        Replies the set of plugin names which have been added by the user to the set of activated plugins.
        the set of newly activated plugin names
      • isActivePluginsChanged

        public boolean isActivePluginsChanged()
        Replies true if the set of active plugins has been changed by the user in this preference model. He has either added plugins or removed plugins being active before.
        true if the collection of active plugins has changed
      • refreshLocalPluginVersion

        public void refreshLocalPluginVersion​(java.util.Collection<PluginInformation> plugins)
        Refreshes the local version field on the plugins in plugins with the version in the manifest of the downloaded ""-file for this plugin.
        plugins - the collections of plugins to refresh