Package org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.geoimage
Provides classes for handling layers displaying geotagged pictures.
Interface Summary Interface Description AdjustTimezoneAndOffsetDialog.AdjustListener Listener called when the sliders are moved.IGeoImageLayer An interface for layers which want to show imagesIGeoImageLayer.ImageChangeListener Listen for image changesImageMetadata An interface for images with metadataImageViewerDialog.SerializableUnaryOperator<I> This literally exists to silence sonarlint complaints. -
Class Summary Class Description AdjustTimezoneAndOffsetDialog Dialog used to manually adjust timezone and offset for GPX correlation.AdvancedCorrelationSettingsDialog Dialog for advanced GPX correlation settings.AdvancedCorrelationSettingsDialog.CheckBoxActionListener CorrelateGpxWithImages This class displays the window to select the GPX file and the offset (timezone + delta).CorrelateGpxWithImages.GpxDataWrapper CorrelateGpxWithImages.GpxLayerAddedListener CorrelateGpxWithImages.GpxLayerRenamedListener CorrelateGpxWithImages.NoGpxDataWrapper CorrelateGpxWithImages.RepaintTheMapListener CorrelationSupportLayer A support layer meant to be modified by the user to provide real-time images correlation.EditImagesSequenceAction Edit a sequence of geo-located images.GeoImageLayer Layer displaying geotagged pictures.ImageDirectionPositionPanel Panel allowing user to enterGpxImageDirectionPositionSettings
.ImageDisplay GUI component to display an image (photograph).ImageDisplay.VisRect Manage the visible rectangle of an image with full bounds stored in init.ImageEntry Stores info about each image, with an optional thumbnailImagesLoader Loads a set of images, while displaying a dialog that indicates what the plugin is currently doing.ImageUtils Image utilitiesImageViewerDialog Dialog to view and manipulate geo-tagged images from aGeoImageLayer
.ImageViewerDialog.CloseableTab A tab title renderer forHideableTabbedPane
that allows us to close tabs.ImageViewerDialog.MoveImgDisplayPanel<T extends Layer & IGeoImageLayer> A JPanel whose entire purpose is to display an image by (a) moving the imgDisplay around and (b) setting the imgDisplay as a child for this panel.RemoteEntry A remote image entryShowThumbnailAction Toggle the image display between thumbnails and symbols.SynchronizeTimeFromPhotoDialog Dialog to synchronize time from a photo of the GPS receiverThumbsLoader Loads thumbnail previews for a list of images from aGeoImageLayer
.WikimediaCommonsEntry A geocoded image from Wikimedia CommonsWikimediaCommonsLayer A layer showing geocoded images from Wikimedia CommonsWikimediaCommonsLoader Loads geocoded images from Wikimedia Commons for the given bounding box.WikimediaCommonsLoader.WikimediaCommonsLoadImagesAction Load images from Wikimedia Commons -
Exception Summary Exception Description CorrelateGpxWithImages.NoGpxTimestamps ImageUtils.NoMetadataReaderWarning