Class DownloadSettings

    • Constructor Detail

      • DownloadSettings

        public DownloadSettings​(Bounds bbox,
                                Bounds slippyMapBounds,
                                boolean downloadAsNewLayer,
                                boolean zoomToDownloadedData)
        Initializes a new instance of DownloadSettings.
        bbox - The bounding box
        slippyMapBounds - The bounds of the SlippyMapChooser/SlippyMapBBoxChooser
        downloadAsNewLayer - The flag defining if a new layer must be created for the downloaded data.
        zoomToDownloadedData - The flag defining if the map view, see SlippyMapChooser,
    • Method Detail

      • asNewLayer

        public boolean asNewLayer()
        Gets the flag defining if a new layer must be created for the downloaded data.
        true if a new layer must be created, false otherwise.
      • zoomToData

        public boolean zoomToData()
        Gets the flag defining if the map view must zoom to the downloaded data.
        true if the view must zoom, false otherwise.
      • getDownloadBounds

        public java.util.Optional<BoundsgetDownloadBounds()
        Gets the download bounds that are requested
        The bounds or an empty Optional if no bounds are selected
      • getSlippyMapBounds

        public java.util.Optional<BoundsgetSlippyMapBounds()
        Gets the slippy map bounds
        the slippy map bounds or an empty Optional if no slippy map was used to select the download bounds