Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description org.openstreetmap.josm.gui Provides the classes for JOSM graphical user Standalone dialog allowing to handle OSM changesets (query and display them) Toggle dialog allowing to display/edit tags and relation memberships of currently selected OSM Provides classes for handling edition of OSM tags: tag tables, tag editors. -
Classes in used by org.openstreetmap.josm.gui Class Description PropertiesDialog This dialog displays the tags of the current selected primitives. -
Classes in used by org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.changeset Class Description PropertiesDialog.ReadOnlyTableModel Class that allows fast creation of read-only table model with String columns -
Classes in used by Class Description AbstractCopyAction Super class of all copy actions from tag table.CopyAllKeyValueAction Copy the key and value of all the tags to clipboard.CopyKeyValueAction Copy the key and value of the selected tag(s) to clipboard.CopyValueAction Copy the value of the selected tag to clipboard.HelpAction Launch browser with wiki help for selected object.PresetListPanel A list of matching presets for a set of tags.PropertiesCellRenderer Cell renderer of tags table.PropertiesDialog.AddAction Action handling add button press in properties dialog.PropertiesDialog.DeleteAction Action handling delete button press in properties dialog.PropertiesDialog.EditAction Action handling edit button press in properties dialog.PropertiesDialog.HoverPreviewPreferSelectionPropListener PropertiesDialog.HoverPreviewPropListener PropertiesDialog.MemberInfo PropertiesDialog.PasteValueAction PropertiesDialog.ReadOnlyTableModel Class that allows fast creation of read-only table model with String columnsPropertiesDialog.SearchAction RecentTagCollection Manages list of recently used tags that will be displayed in thePropertiesDialog
.TagEditHelper Class that helps PropertiesDialog add and edit tag values.TagEditHelper.AbstractTagsDialog TagEditHelper.AddTagsDialog TagEditHelper.IEditTagDialog Extracted interface ofTagEditHelper.EditTagDialog
.TagEditHelper.RecentExisting What to do with recent tags where keys already existTagEditHelper.RefreshRecent What to do after applying tagTaginfoAction Launch browser with Taginfo statistics for selected object. -
Classes in used by org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.tagging Class Description PresetListPanel A list of matching presets for a set of tags.