Interface Summary Interface Description ICommonSource<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> This interface is used to ensure that a class can get a enum from a string.ISourceCategory<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> This is an enum for a source category (i.e.ISourceType<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> This interface should only be used for Enums -
Class Summary Class Description SourceBounds Multi-polygon bounds for source backgrounds.SourceInfo<T extends ISourceCategory<?>,U extends ISourceType<?>,V extends SourceBounds,W extends SourcePreferenceEntry<?>> This class is an abstraction for source information to be used in a panel like ImageryProvidersPanel.SourcePreferenceEntry<T extends SourceInfo<?,?,?,?>> A generic SourcePreferenceEntry that is used for storing data in JOSM preferences.