Class AzimuthalEquidistant

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  AzimuthalEquidistant.Mode
      The four possible modes or aspects of the projection.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected double centralMeridian
      Central longitude in radians.
      protected double cosph0
      The cosine of the central latitude of the projection.
      static double EPS10
      Less strict tolerance.
      static double HALF_PI
      Half of π.
      protected double latitudeOfOrigin
      Latitude of origin in radians.
      protected AzimuthalEquidistant.Mode mode
      The mode or aspect of the projection.
      protected double mp
      Meridian distance from the equator to the pole.
      protected double semiMajor
      Length of semi-major axis, in metres.
      protected double semiMinor
      Length of semi-minor axis, in metres.
      protected double sinph0
      The sine of the central latitude of the projection.
      static double TOL
      Stricter tolerance.
    • Field Detail

      • semiMajor

        protected double semiMajor
        Length of semi-major axis, in metres. This is named 'a' or 'R' (Radius in spherical cases) in Snyder.
      • semiMinor

        protected double semiMinor
        Length of semi-minor axis, in metres. This is named 'b' in Snyder.
      • centralMeridian

        protected double centralMeridian
        Central longitude in radians. Default value is 0, the Greenwich meridian. This is called 'lambda0' in Snyder.
      • latitudeOfOrigin

        protected double latitudeOfOrigin
        Latitude of origin in radians. Default value is 0, the equator. This is called 'phi0' in Snyder.
      • sinph0

        protected double sinph0
        The sine of the central latitude of the projection.
      • cosph0

        protected double cosph0
        The cosine of the central latitude of the projection.
      • mp

        protected double mp
        Meridian distance from the equator to the pole. Not used and set to NaN for non-polar projections.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        Description copied from interface: Proj
        Replies a human readable name of this projection.
        The projection name. must not be null.
      • getProj4Id

        public java.lang.String getProj4Id()
        Description copied from interface: Proj
        Replies the Proj.4 identifier.
        The Proj.4 identifier (as reported by cs2cs -lp). If no id exists, return null.
      • getAlgorithmBounds

        public Bounds getAlgorithmBounds()
        Description copied from interface: Proj
        Return the bounds where this projection is applicable. This is a fallback for when the projection bounds are not specified explicitly. In this area, the round trip lat/lon → east/north → lat/lon should return the starting value with small error. In addition, regions with extreme distortions should be excluded, if possible. It need not be the absolute maximum, but rather an area that is safe to display in JOSM and contain everything that one would expect to use.
        the bounds where this projection is applicable, null if unknown
      • project

        public double[] project​(double latRad,
                                double lonRad)
        Description copied from interface: Proj
        Convert lat/lon to east/north.
        latRad - the latitude in radians
        lonRad - the longitude in radians
        array of length 2, containing east and north value in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid.
      • invproject

        public double[] invproject​(double east,
                                   double north)
        Description copied from interface: Proj
        Convert east/north to lat/lon.
        east - east value in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid
        north - north value in meters, divided by the semi major axis of the ellipsoid
        array of length 2, containing lat and lon in radians.
      • projectSpherical

        double[] projectSpherical​(double latRad,
                                  double lonRad)