Uses of Package
Packages that use Package Description Provides the classes for JOSM map Provides the classes for datum used in map Provides the classes for JOSM graphical user interface. -
Classes in used by Class Description Datum Represents a geodetic datum.NTV2GridShiftFileWrapper Wrapper forNTV2GridShiftFile
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Classes in used by Class Description AbstractDatum Abstract base class forDatum
implementations.Datum Represents a geodetic datum.GRS80Datum This datum indicates, that GRS80 ellipsoid is used and no conversion is necessary to get from or to the WGS84 datum.NTV2GridShift A value object for storing Longitude and Latitude of a point, the Lon and Lat shift values to get from one datum to another, and the Lon and Lat accuracy of the shift values.NTV2GridShiftFile Models the NTv2 format Grid Shift File and exposes methods to shift coordinate values using the Sub Grids contained in the file.NTV2GridShiftFileSource Source of NTV2 grid shift files (local directory, download, etc.).NTV2GridShiftFileWrapper Wrapper forNTV2GridShiftFile
.NTV2Proj4DirGridShiftFileSource Shift file source that scans the common data directories of the proj4 library.NTV2SubGrid Models the NTv2 Sub Grid within a Grid Shift File.NullDatum Null Datum does not convert from / to WGS84 ellipsoid, but simply "casts" the coordinates.WGS84Datum WGS84 datum. -
Classes in used by org.openstreetmap.josm.gui Class Description NTV2GridShiftFileSource Source of NTV2 grid shift files (local directory, download, etc.).