Class ThreeParameterDatum

    • Field Detail

      • dx

        protected double dx
      • dy

        protected double dy
      • dz

        protected double dz
    • Constructor Detail

      • ThreeParameterDatum

        public ThreeParameterDatum​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String proj4Id,
                                   Ellipsoid ellps,
                                   double dx,
                                   double dy,
                                   double dz)
        Constructs a new ThreeParameterDatum.
        name - name of the datum
        proj4Id - Proj.4 identifier for this datum (or null)
        ellps - the ellipsoid used
        dx - x offset in meters
        dy - y offset in meters
        dz - z offset in meters
    • Method Detail

      • toWGS84

        public LatLon toWGS84​(LatLon ll)
        Description copied from interface: Datum
        Convert lat/lon from this datum to Ellipsoid.WGS84 datum.
        ll - original lat/lon in this datum
        lat/lon converted to WGS84
      • fromWGS84

        public LatLon fromWGS84​(LatLon ll)
        Description copied from interface: Datum
        Convert lat/lon from Ellipsoid.WGS84 to this datum.
        ll - original lat/lon in WGS84
        converted lat/lon in this datum